First up is episode five, with the computer club challenging the SOS club to a game of dodgeball... on the computer of course. Haruhi is having none of it, so what we're left with is a real game of dodgeball, made more than a little high octane thanks to Haruhi's subconscious bending of the laws of physics. It's the kind of thing that makes me wish she was an Arsenal fan.... Anyway, I digress - This could almost have made for a full-on episode of a second season of Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, as it seems like the most "focused" mini-episode of this run thus far.

Onward to episode six things return to a more comical nature, with Nagato's new-found otaku status now apparently extending to cosplay, causing a heated battle between herself and Mikuru in the process. We then move on to the infinitely amusing possibilities of Nagato's home life with the new, miniaturised Ryoko, who takes offence to being offered up baby accessories, despite it making for (in turn) an awesome merry-go-round and a great behicle for karaoke. Not absolutely laugh out loud funny perhaps, but it made me smile.