Friday, 27 February 2009

DVD review: Shakugan no Shana

In case you're not already aware (meaning that you haven't read the little profile blurb on this very 'Blog, which is forgiveable), as well as slapping down my musings on the latest anime here I do also review the latest UK DVD releases over at UK Anime - For some reason I've never thought to cross-link those reviews here, but now the thought has come to me I can't think of any good reason not to.

With its availability in retail next week, I've just polished off the final volume of Shakugan no Shana (or simply Shana as it's been shortened to for us Western types), so for completeness I've linked to my reviews for all six DVD volumes that I've run my critical eye over below:

- Volume one
- Volume two
- Volume three
- Volume four
- Volume five
- Volume six

Let me know if you want to see (or indeed don't want to see) links to my UK Anime reviews in future, so I can act accordingly!