Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Hetalia Axis Powers - Episode 4

As promised at the end of the last episode, this fourth instalment of Axis Powers Hetalia introduces us to Japan, and probably the best (and most inevitable) joke of the series so far.

When Germany mentions building a U-boat, before he knows it Japan has produced a miniaturised version, created it in a dozen different colour choices and hired a famous voice actress as its announcer. Oh, and it turns into a giant robot, naturally.

Aside from that (which really did make me laugh), all we really get are some more snippets of Italian history, peppered with at least as many pasta jokes. How is it that Nyoron Churuya-san's constant smoked cheese gags remain consistently funnier than the mentions of pasta? Probably because it's both more surreal, and far better worked into the framework of the jokes than what we see here. Still, I got a kick out of the U-boat joke, so it isn't all bad.