Or... perhaps not. The first half of this show's second instalment pretty much confirmed all of my concerns from the first - That it would grind its gags into the ground with overuse even within the short span of their particular "arc", whilst also trying to hard to go for laughs by targeting easy sources of humour. Nowhere was this more apparent than in the first half of this episode, which basically took a couple of gross-out gags around snot and urine and somehow managed to make them last for almost ten minutes. The trouble is, neither of these jokes were funny the first time, and by the half-way point of the episode I was crying out for something different.

In fairness to Mitsudomoe it did at least do this via a change in tact for the second half of the instalment... except that wasn't funny either. The whole sequence surrounding Hitoha letting herself into Aiko's house to see Nipples, threatening him and so on feels pretty old already just two episodes in, and throwing a little slapstick humour at the problem really doesn't help at all either. The final segment of this instalment, with Mitsuba and Futaba out trying to catch insects has the most potential, but even this seems to lose its way and end up as an entirely unfunny affair.
In short then, in these two episodes Mitsudomoe has singularly failed to make me laugh properly once, which is a pretty shoddy return for a comedy series. It might have been able to get away with that had I liked any of the characters a little more, but really there isn't a lot to them beyond their placement to get laughs, and when they aren't forthcoming they might as well all be cardboard cut-outs. I'm sure some people will love the simple and dare I say childish humour Mitsudomoe offers up, but it simply doesn't tickle my funny bone at all. With that in mind, it's time for this show to gracefully retire from my summer 2010 line-up, never to be seen again. Come back Minami-ke, all is forgiven!