Anyhow, given her concerns about the distinct lack of practice during club get-togethers, Azusa is determined to change her ways once she realises that she's slipped into the gentle, work-shy groove of the others... or at least, she is for a few minutes as such thoughts are soon relegated to the back of her mind once she finds Mugi alone in the music room. While that sounds like the introduction to some explicit K-ON!! doujinshi, what actually happens is that Azusa is distracted by Mugi being... well, downright adorable really.

From here we see Azusa facing similar struggles on the following days, first while sitting with Mio before being dragged off to Ritsu's house to help with some home economics homework (don't worry Ritsu, I suck at sewing too), then again (more predictably) with Yui who effectively persuades her to give up fretting about stuff like practising and just to be herself instead. So, with any worries thrown to the wind all is well in Azusa's world once again, even though the culture festival is coming up and the light music club don't seem to be doing a whole lot about it.
After perhaps the most disappointing episode of K-ON!! yet last week, this was a definite returning to form for the series, proving to be in turns funny and (more often than not) outright adorable; it's almost alarming how fast Mugi has shifted from "that other girl" into quite the centre of attention for this series in a way that rival's Yui for its craziness. Regardless, this was another slice of hugely relaxing yet enjoyable fun, which as always proves to be the perfect way to relax after a long day at work. Actually, come to think of it I have another meeting in under an hour, so my working day isn't even done. If only I had a sea turtle tank to clean instead...
It’s so nice to see an anime that adds a little to your garden variety shoujo. Music playing, busty girls… what else could you want?
Nice ep review.
Re: Jun joining Keionbu - it would be nice, but her personality might not stand out enough, don't you think? It's pretty crowded already with 5 (+1 Sawako-sensei!) and they're all very colorful in their own idiosyncratic ways. I have a sneaky feeling she might join at the end of the season, though.
And it's always nice to see Tsumugi getting more screen time. She is - like you said - reaching Yui-level ditziness, but she still pulls it off with elegance.
After that below-par performance by our K-ON kids last ep, they redeemed themselves. Azu-nyan sums it up well: "Today we'll definitely make a comeback!" And a comeback they did. This Mugi-cuteness ep was something rare. But it was amazing. Mugi's more moe than we thought :P
And regarding that Jun joining business, I'm all for it. She displays a different personality than any of our present K-ON members so a personality contrast of sorts with Azu-nyan seems interesting. Hopefully they don't let us down next ep.
i really love k-on.. hope this anime won't end up forever..
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