Monday 7 June 2010

So, I lost... (but Baka-Raptor is still the worst 'blog ever)

It was always going to be tough, but after a pretty close start this 'blog ended up effectively fighting against voters for two 'blogs, which was enough to secure a pretty hefty defeat in round three of the Aniblog Tourney.

Despite being knocked out, I want to once again thank everyone who voted for Hanners' Anime 'Blog for their support - It's been fantastic to see just how much support I've received throughout, even to the extent of upsetting the community applecart in the last round, which made for a particularly enjoyable spot of Giant Killing.

This tournament as a whole has also been an incredibly insightful one for me - I'd like to think it's brought me closer to the anime 'blogging community as a whole (which I've perhaps been too distanced from in the past), it's helped me to discover a bundle of great new 'blogs as well as reminding me why I visit some of the sites that I do, it's led to the realisation that some people hate episodic 'blogging with an incredible passion, while others... well, just hate pretty much everyone really. Particularly if they enjoy the final Tenchi OVA.

Anyhow, altogether this contest has given me renewed interest in the rich tapestry of this particular blogosphere, so even though I'll now be watching from the sidelines I'd say it's mission accomplished. Congratulations go to Baka-Raptor for making it through of course - Even though it is the worst 'blog ever.


  1. I shall join you in the losers tunnel after getting quite thoroughly destroyed by Sea Slugs. Still, they and Baka-Raptor are two of the favourites so eh, no shame in losing

  2. I accept your concession. It takes a big man to lose to me and not explode.

  3. You lost to Baka-Raptor???

    I hope you enjoy seppukku.

  4. At least you didn't do as bad as Scamp. Oh MAAAANN THAT GUY GOT HIS ASS HANDED TO HIM!!!

    I'm not sure how SS!AB will fair against Banana-Republic (...), but either way, we'll take the baton from you =P

  5. Bah! At least you guys got 20% of the vote. :,-(

    Hanners, it's been great seeing you participate though. I have to admit before the tourney, I wasn't sure if there was a real human behind your blog ;-)

  6. I'm not sure what makes you think there's a human behind it now... ;)

  7. what's this competition about? whoa...I didn't know about this....I could have voted for you...

    you're still my source for fun things to watch out for...

  8. You've been listening to AstroNerdBoy too much if you think I hate everyone. I don't even hate AstroNerdBoy, because I'm not stupid enough to hate some fatass over an anime, but he sure hates me because I keep exposing his lies. I just pity him and fight against his ASTROturfing propaganda and lies that he's paid to spread by his bosses at FUNimation. I already said at the tournament site that it's not because he likes the Tenchi OVA 3, I have friends who like it and I have no problem with them because they aren't cultist sell-outs.

  9. "I'm not stupid enough to hate some fatass over an anime"

    Your actions bely your words... Beside, if you aren't obsessed with people's opinions of Tenchi, then how come you only landed on this 'blog the one and only time I ever mentioned Tenchi within it?

  10. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." -- Abraham Lincoln

  11. "Your actions bely your words... Beside, if you aren't obsessed with people's opinions of Tenchi, then how come you only landed on this 'blog the one and only time I ever mentioned Tenchi within it?"

    Are you serious? In case you didn't know, Tenchi is just a nick I've been using in the tournament. That you haven't seen it here before is a piss-poor basis for drawing conclusions. It's ridiculous that you're complaining about me commenting on a statment referring specifically to me. Maybe you've been infected with AstroNerdBoy's brainfat and it's impairing your thinking. I don't have to hate AstroNerdBoy in order to fight against the repetitive cultist propaganda of that Judas. This is a war between God's honest truth and paid-for lies, and I'm fighting him because it's my duty as a real Tenchi fan. As a Christian I pity him for selling his soul for thirty pieces of silver.

  12. Oh Jesus Christ...

    Put a sock in it.

  13. "In case you didn't know, Tenchi is just a nick I've been using in the tournament. That you haven't seen it here before is a piss-poor basis for drawing conclusions."

    In other words, you're a regular visitor to this 'blog, but you're sufficiently ashamed of your behaviour when it comes to this particular subject to post under a different name?

    Can't say I blame you... hounded people you don't agree with online isn't a very Christian thing to do, by all account. Then again, equating an anime 'blogger to Judas probably doesn't exhibit the best use of religious scripture I've seen either.

  14. "In other words, you're a regular visitor to this 'blog, but you're sufficiently ashamed of your behaviour when it comes to this particular subject to post under a different name?"

    That's right I've been here many times, I don't remember if I've ever commented or not. I'm not ashamed of anything, because I'm fighting for the truth. I have to hide who I am, because AstroNerdBoy keeps bearing false witness against me and trying to get me charged with all kinds of crimes because he doesn't want his lies exposed.

    "Can't say I blame you... hounded people you don't agree with online isn't a very Christian thing to do, by all account. Then again, equating an anime 'blogger to Judas probably doesn't exhibit the best use of religious scripture I've seen either."

    Hey I'd much rather not have to do this, but when some turncoat keeps spreading propaganda and lies on the orders of his fat cat paymasters to sell a megaturd to unsuspecting fans, you have to stand up against that. How many times do I have to explain that this is not just about disagreeing over Tenchi OVA 3? AstroNerdBoy is a sell-out ASTROturfer who pretends he's looking out for fans so he and his bosses at FUNimation can cash in. There's plenty of proof of that. When someone betrays his comrades for money, he's a Judas alright.

  15. "There's plenty of proof of that." - Then maybe you should reveal that proof rather than whining in other people's blogs and hijacking online polls?
