Wednesday 8 April 2009

Hidamari Sketch x365 - DVD special

You know, sometimes I find myself dreaming of a perfect world - A place of world peace, no hunger or famine, and most importantly of all a brand-new, top notch episode of Hidamari Sketch every single day. Thus far, this dream hasn't been fulfilled, but until then at least we have another episode of Hidamari Sketch x365 to tide us over, courtesy of a special episode released on the final Japanese DVD volume of the series.

This particular episode covers a holiday for the quartet at Hidamari apartments, giving them plenty of time to goof off and have some fun - An opportunity that presents itself perfectly thanks to Sae's purchase of a Polaroid camera, and let's face it we all know how much fun they can be. No, I don't mean taking those kinds of photo, get your minds out of the gutter.

Anyway, we go from the general amusement of taking photos of one another unaware or sleeping to dressing up, changing hairstyles and trying something different for the occasion, which gives us such wonders as Yunocchi dressed in punk girl, Miyako with pigtails and Sae with hair extensions. Oh, and Miyako with a Hitler moustache.

Meanwhile, Yoshinoya is having entirely too much fun at karaoke, turning the event into some kind of mini-concert for herself... Until the principal arrives and takes over the stage that is, bringing us the hilarity of his enthusiastic singing. Is this a good time to admit that my addiction to all things Hidamari Sketch extends to owning the principal's character CD? No, I thought not.

As I think I've already made clear, I can never have too much Hidamari Sketch in my life, and rather than feeling like some kind of rushed stop-gap this bonus DVD episode was another fantastic instalment of x365, with some big laughs mixed in with the relaxed feeling of spending a day at Hidamari apartments. This blend of humour and gentle, lilting reality is what makes the series what it is, and I can't think of any better way to wind down after a long day at the office.

1 comment:

  1. "Is this a good time to admit that my addiction to all things Hidamari Sketch extends to owning the principal's character CD?"

    Oh, the wonders of commercial enterprise never cease to amaze me.
