Wednesday 8 April 2009

Hetalia Axis Powers - Episode 11

Sometimes the things that go on in Hetalia Axis Powers are simply beyond me, and I think this is just one such time. It got me beginning to wonder if someone had spiked my tea, that's for sure.

Ignoring the ever unamusing Chibitalia section (the existence of which baffles me more by the week), the main chunk of this mini-episode seems to involve England tripping out and seeing imaginary things - Flying rabbits, unicorns and so on.

Surely World War II is a little early for British rave culture? Or even the Summer of Love? Oh well, I suppose by now I shouldn't really expect Hetalia to make any semblance of sense to me...


  1. I think this show falls short due to the fact that some knowledge of the manga is required before actually watching it, especially when the anime seems to ignore half of the mangaka's explanations as to why a certain nation acts the way he/she does. In this case, England/UK gets trippy due to the fact that apparently, the Brits are crazy about their fairytales and magic. I believe the explanation that the mangaka gives is that England is pure enough to see the magical creatures, where as...well America in this case, just think he's tripping out and losing it lol.

    I think this is why some of the jokes fall flat, just because the anime doesn't give any context to it at all. This is very much an exclusive club, so if you haven't read it unfortunately there's very little you could probably find funny from it.

  2. That does explain a lot, thanks for the info!

    Funnily enough, just yesterday I wrote an article elsewhere about how watching anime can be affected by whether you're familiar with its source material, and I guess this is a prime example of that!

  3. I love this episode! espesially the part when that greenish flying bunny comes!

  4. Hadn't read the manga before seeing the anime, and still found it funny. The fact that only England can see its own magical creatures is kinda funny.
