Saturday 29 November 2008

Telepathy Shoujo Ran - Episode 20

Given how far through this series we are, it seems a little odd for this to be the point where Telepathy Shoujo Ran starts to shoehorn in the filler episodes, but that's exactly what we get for this show's twentieth episode.

I can barely be bothered to describe it, so mundane this episode turned out to be, but the basic premise of the story involves a love letter, delivered to Rin via the locker of his judo club house (a judo team of which he is captain) but stolen by Midori in a fit of jealousy. Rin finds the culprit but doesn't care, and thus we wonder why this episode even exists at all.

A single paragraph doesn't seem like a lot to outline any anime episode synopsis, but that's seriously virtually all there is to this particular offering (aside from Rin's conviction that he must possess some supernatural powers considering that his sister does) so I can't think of anything more to say beyond that. Quite simply, this is an incredibly average episode of an incredibly average serious, and no amount of expansion upon what I write will change that.

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