Sunday 30 November 2008

Hidamari Sketch x365 - Episode 12

It's Tanabata at Hidamari Apartments, but for once all is not well - Sae and Hiro appear not to be talking to one another, but how on Earth could that have happened? Is it a matter of passion? A matter of surface? A matter of perverts? (You really can't beat Japanese wordplay)

So, as the episode goes on, we find out exactly what this quarrel is all about (at least as much as possible between Hiro stuffing her face in the name of comfort eating), and thanks to Miyako and Yuno greasing the wheels all is well in no time, with apologies, tears and so on. Ahhh....

That aside, to assist with the Tanabata celebrations the landlady has planted a bamboo tree at Hidamari Apartments, so the rest opf the episode is filled with its occupants making wishes and decorating the tree for a rather more relaxed end to the episode.

Given that this is Hidamari Sketch x365, as per usual I have little but glowing praise for it as it blends emotion and friendship via some great and lovable characters with some genuinely laugh out loud moments - The exact blend which has made this series so watchable from the very start. As far as this particular episode goes even the animation (which hasn't always been my favourite aspect of this series) is great, with some genuinely brilliant arranged scenes.

It's sad to know that I only have a single episode left to go before I complete this series, as even the anticipation of a chance to watch some more Hidamari Sketch is going to be something that I'll miss hugely.

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