Tuesday 11 November 2008

Telepathy Shoujo Ran - Episode 17

Episode seventeen of Telepathy Shoujo Ran brings us the first of a two-part arc involving Ran and company going on vacation and getting summoned by some mysterious spirits while also meeting some less than savoury characters who appear to be up to no good while hiding dark secrets that only Ran and Midori's telepathy can reveal. So, nothing like every other story arc in this series then - It's good to know that Telepathy Shoujo Ran simply refuses to be predictable...

Anyhow, it all begins with Ran having a dream about snakes, and waking up to find a scale on the floor, which for some reason she decides to start carrying around with her. Next thing you know, she's won a holiday thanks to a raffle ticket to visit a place known as "Snake Island" - Someone needs to fire whatever tourist board came up with that title.

So, off they go on the plane to Janome Island (to give it its real name), where they meet an annoying idol and a man who claims to be the great grandson of the man who discovered the island, a man who is indeed equally annoying and who Ran also sees as having a giant snake coiled around him. Snakes on a plane? Say it ain't so...

From here on nothing much happens aside from more telepathy-generated plot build up, learning that the annoying man is in debt and something about flowers blooming. Oh, and Midori realises that this "case" is clearly related to snakes about three-quarters of the way through the episode - You really think that this chain of events started by Ran dreaming about snakes then winning a holiday to Snake Island on a plane with a man who seems to have a snake coiled around him on an island full of snake statues is something to do with snakes? Surely, this particular story arc is all about kittens, that much is clear for anyone to see.

Anyway, this is really just another typical two-part Telepathy Shoujo Ran story, which seems to be rehashing the tired old ground of almost every two-part story the series has given us since close to the beginning. Nothing to see here, move along please...

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