Monday 10 November 2008

Kannagi - Episode 6

Watching Kannagi has been fun, fun, fun thus far, and thankfully that shows no signs of stopping or changing as it manages to deliver another amusing and sweet little episode this time around.

The whole thing starts with a shopping trip for Tsugumi, who sincerely believes that she's just been invited out on a date by Jin... Except he's actually sending her out to help Nagi buy some new clothes, with just 10,000 Yen in the way of ammunition - about $100 for comparison's sake, which seems like plenty for clothes shopping to me, but then again I am a guy. Anyway, money only becomes a secondary issue by the end of said shopping trip, as breast size suddenly becomes far more important to Nagi, leading to what can only be described as a "generous" choice of bra by her.

However, these financial woes lead Nagi to think along the lines of a part-time job, particularly one which would also allow her to gather more "followers" and thus further increase her powers as a God. In the meantime, Jin is invited to a maid cafe by the rest of his art class.... Hmm, can you see any impending connections there? So, the second half of the episode becomes some almost traditional merry-making surrounding otaku culture (which did give me a few giggles), a ramping up of the jealousy level between Tsugumi (who is covering for a friend at the very same maid cafe - Oh anime coincidences, how I love thee) and Nagi, and perhaps most importantly of all some really obvious signs of affection (and dare I say attraction?) between Nagi and Jin.

Once again, Kannagi delivers exactly what it sets out to in this episode - Humour without ever turning into an outright comedy, some forward movement in the plot, and above all the creation of something that's just incredibly easy and fun to watch. It succeeds in droves on these main points of humour and fun (and less on plot development), and personally that's more than enough to keep me happy. There's not a lot more than I can say beyond continuing to press home just how enjoyable I've been finding this series to watch.

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