Saturday 1 November 2008

Telepathy Shoujo Ran - Episode 16

I've actually been getting a little behind with watching Telepathy Shoujo Ran over the past few weeks between one thing and another, which is not at all to do with the fact that this series is intensely average or anything... Oh no, not at all.

Episode sixteen of the series finishes off our little Edo period saga in typical fashion, with Ran and Midori (or at least the latter of the two) adding intimate knowledge of time travel to their repetoire of special powers, and using said knowledge to figure out how to travel back in time to where Rui was sent last time around. Meanwhile, Rui discovers that what he thought was the gardener is in fact a policeman, investigating the owner of the home he was transported into... An owner who is of course an evil demon. With headlights. No, really he is.

So, once again Ran saves the day with her ability to make a protective bubble (which is now also capable of blowing open doors) - Can I still call it a deus ex machina when it's been used so many times in this series, even if it has no sensible relation to the telepathy theme of the show? The rest of the story somehow washed over me like a light sprinkling of rain, so unspectacular and uninteresting was it - In essence, I suppose this is the biggest problem with Telepathy Shoujo Ran as it's progressed, the main plot lines simply aren't interesting enough, no matter how much I rather like the main characters or even have a soft spot for the animation. I can't even find the energy to write much else about the episode, because no matter how hard I try I can't think of anything pertinent to say - Stuff happens and everyone lives happily ever after without ever taxing your brain is pretty much the modus operandi of the show, which makes it harmless enough but hardly a must-watch classic.

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