Saturday 1 November 2008

Chäos;HEAd - Episode 4

If you were expecting Chäos;HEAd to suddenly start making sense in episode four, then expect away, but prepare to be disappointed as the general feeling of confusion remains, or arguably even worsens in this latest instalment.

One thing that does get (somewhat) cleared up is the subject of girls walking around with big swords that only Takumi seems able to see - The swords are called Di-Swords, a fact which Takumi learns after bumping into Sena Aoi, said girl with huge weapon. We also get to meet "The General", the person who has been sending Takumi information about the New Gene murders... Or do we? Once again, Chäos;HEAd delights in throwing in Takumi's delusions in along with the real plot development, leaving us almost completely unsure as to what is real and what is false every episode.

Aside from that, we also see the introduction of a mysterious transfer student (which anyone who watches anime knows is always bad news), see Rimi's relationship with Takumi develop, and find out (as if it wasn't obvious from the last episode) the true identity of Fes from the band Phatntasm introduced last time around, which results in a rather sudden proposition for Takumi... or does it? (Sorry, I really have to stop doing that with the delusion-related questions)

Anyway, Chäos;HEAd really does manage to keep its place as the most intriguing show of this series - The whole delusion plot device keeps things hugely entertaining while also keeping the viewer on his toes, and with next episode looking likely to start revealing a lot of the mysteries that have built up, it looks like they've paced the series just about right, as I'm not sure I can take too much more confusion as to the main jist of the series. The enjoyment this series clearly exhibits in messing with my head has managed to translate into an enjoyment of this show of my own, with this show holding enough unique elements to really keep me hooked.

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