Friday 14 February 2014

Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! REN - Episode 6

The prospect of a school field trip is always an exciting time... unless you're Rikka Takanashi, that is, in which case you'd probably rather spend your time roaming around like some two-bit knock-off of Sam Fisher.

Having managed to get her to put down the night vision goggles for long enough to pack and prepare, Yuuta settles down for a pleasant trip with Rikka - a trip that proves to be a little trickier than either of them anticipated, as they both find themselves constantly being quizzed as to the status of their relationship, or otherwise seen as a couple when neither of them is quite ready to openly admit that fact.

Not that they're the only ones being quizzed, as Nibutani is also grilled on her love life (or lack thereof), which leads into discussion of her "past life" at middle school - a discussion made more awkward by another of Dekomori's little labours of love.  Still, this is small fry compared to what Yuuta has to go through, although thanks to Rikka's wanderings after-hours in the group's hotel the pair are granted an opportunity that brings them a little closer together, and also some more confidence to embolden their relationship which in turn allows them to spend the final day of the trip together.

Aside from its rather sweet ending and a couple of nice moments of comedy during the episode, there wasn't really much that jumped out for me from this week's episode of Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions - although it seems that there's more to come, it didn't really do a whole lot with its theme beyond the usual suspects for this kind of episode, which left much of it feeling a little flat.  That said, I am grateful for the prospect of some proper movement in Yuuta and Rikka's stagnant relationship, so it certainly isn't all bad.

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