Thursday 5 December 2013

Galilei Donna - Episode 9

The search for Galileo's sketches quickly comes to an end as this week's Galilei Donna begins, with the Libyan desert offering up the sixth and final sketch, alongside - for a reason that nobody can quite fathom - a telescope.

Given that we've been following Anna's nefarious activities for a little while now, it's inevitable that this discovery quickly leads to a visit from Roberto at an opportune moment where it becomes clear that the sister's craft has suddenly and inexplicably run out of fuel.  With nowhere to run, it seems as if there'll be nothing for it but to hand over the sketches as Roberto reveals all about Anna's work as a spy, before providing her with the means to kill the Ferrari sisters herself.  More worrying for Hozuki however is the fact that Roberto also seems to have realised that the Galilei Tesoro he snatched previously was a fake she'd constructed.

Once again, it's the sky pirates that come to the rescue, attacking Roberto and giving the sisters an opportunity to escape in the cross-fire - a dangerous bid for freedom which looks all set to end in messy failure, until the Tesoro activates out of the blue.  The next thing we know, Hozuki comes crashing down out of the sky onto a flying machine... a flying machine belonging to one Galileo Galilei.  Yes, that's right, Hozuki has travelled through time and no, that's right, I have no idea why.  However, the source of her journey seems to be violent storm clouds that regularly appear in this world, meaning that Hozuki and Galileo will have to work together to rebuild his flying machine before its too late.

Galilei Donna continues to go about its merry business while still feeling like a series that has no real direction, throwing together things that seem cool (we can now tick time travel off the list) without really having any sufficiently satisfying central ideas to really glue it together with.  So flimsy are the joins between the show's plot points that it's hard to care too much about anything that it does, and at this point the series is a mass of half-baked motivations and ideas that barely fit together at all.  Perhaps Galilei Donna has some grand plan to ultimately tie everything together with a neat bow, but I somehow doubt it.

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