Thursday 12 December 2013

Galilei Donna - Episode 10

Time is running out for Hozuki as she seeks to go back to the future (hey, that sounds really snappy - it would make a great movie title) with the help of none other than Galileo himself.

For want of anything much else to do, this week's instalment is effectively a love story between Galileo and Hozuki as they work on refining, improving and testing the aircraft that will take her back into the storm that brought her into the past in the first place.

As they work towards this end, Galileo shares some of his theories and philosophies, and notes the feeling he gets that Hozuki is not exactly from his time, which she can only openly admit to.  Hozuki later learns that she is the first person that Galileo has been able to open up and shares his thoughts with, saving him from a time of loneliness and, of course, explaining some of the notes written upon his sketches back in the future.  All of this has to take a back seat to the trip into the eye of the storm, at which point Hozuki can return to the present just in time to see herself and her sisters from being blown to smithereens, even if it only appears to be a temporary reprieve with Interpol now closing in on them.

I'm hoping that the show's finale will do at least a little more to justify this trip back in time, as it hasn't really had all that much of a pay off beyond explaining things that were inserted only to lead up to this event in the first place.  As it is though, this week's episode in particular feels like a sweet little instalment that didn't really do anything to further the plot, and didn't impinge upon Hozuki's personality as heavily as it might have done at this stage.  It now feels as though there's too little time left to resolve everything that's been left on the table across the course of the series, which means either we'll be treated to a packed finale or an eminently frustrating one.

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