Sunday 15 September 2013

Monogatari Second Season - Episode 11

It's recap time again for Monogatari Second Season, and this time around we somehow manage to cover the entirety of Bakemonogatari in a single episode.  Or should we be calling it Monogatari First Season now?

Told complete with a voiceover from Araragi as he reminisces, the episode perhaps rightfully dedicates half of the episode to the show's first Hitagi Crab arc, complete with some snippets of new animation.

From there, we race through Hachikuji, Kanbaru and Nadeko's story arcs with no spectacular additions to note, before that wonderful finale to the series is squeezed into the ending credits in a not particularly satisfying manner.

As per the first recap episode, the timing of introducing a reminder to these story elements right now feels a little odd, and aside from stalling for more time to complete work on the show proper's next story arc (which I'm all for after the issues Bakemonogatari suffered at TV broadcast time) there doesn't really seem to be much need of them at this point in a second season.  But hey ho, roll on the resumption of normal service (and hopefully some more good stuff) next week.  Except there's still another recap yet to come at some point.  Joy.

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