Sunday 4 August 2013

Space Brothers - Episode 68

Mutta's T-38 jet training continues in the background in this week's Space Brothers, while our focus falls again on Sharon as her condition continues to make her everyday life more difficult.

However, it isn't all doom and gloom here, as we also get to enjoy Hibito's return to Japan for the first time since his moon walk - an occasion which has sent the populace into a frenzy of excitement, which in turn makes for a busy time for Hibito as his grand arrival at the airport is followed by parades, conferences, and other public appearances.  Oh, and having to wear rabbit ears rather a lot thanks to the crazy that his behaviour of the Moon has kicked off.

Such is Hibito's hectic schedule that he's worried that he won't have the time to meet with Sharon, but eventually a sufficiently large slot opens up for him to pay her a visit.  Despite his shock at seeing her using a walking stick, and prior knowledge that she's now finding playing the piano difficult, Hibito brings along a gift that seeks to at least circumvent the latter issue - great minds think alike however, as Mutta has also had a similar plan...

This week's Space Brothers was enjoyable in a pretty simple fashion - seeing Hibito enjoying the fruit of his prior labours as a fully certified celebrity was good fun, and the emotional content to come from Sharon's deterioration was tough to watch but well-pitched.  These may not be the most interesting facets of the show, but they are nonetheless pieces of the Space Brothers jigsaw, and they certainly remain enjoyable as such.

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