Saturday 31 August 2013

Genshiken Second Season - Episode 9

As the school festival approaches, Ogiue has her story all prepared for the one-off manga set to star within the Genshiken club magazine - now, all that's required is to figure out how to get an angle on Hato's art...

Any confidence that Hato can draw something that isn't Boy's Love provided he has a story to work on quickly proves to be unfounded, and as Ogiue tries to get to the bottom of Hato's complex psyche and how it affects his ability to draw manga it seems that simply her presence is enough to get her junior to focus on his work properly... at least, when the pair aren't getting interrupted in ways which quickly cause them both to become somewhat distracted.

Still, all's well that ends well, and the magazine is complete and ready by the time the festival rolls around in a blitz of cosplay and illustrations for the Genshiken to exhibit.  Given that the festival is also effectively an open day, it's an opportunity for former club members to drop by, and also a chance for some of the newcomers to meet up with former school friends.  Yajima and Yoshitake may be thrilled to catch up with old faces, but things are rather different from Hato as two of his former schoolmates drop by on the hunt for their former acquaintance.  Hato assumes that his cross-dressing and false name should be enough to throw them off the trail even when they come face to face with him, but this is to reckon within Kuchiki's unerring ability to put a spanner in the works in any given situation.

In the grand scheme of things, this wasn't the sharpest episode of Genshiken Second Season in terms of humour, but thankfully its cast are more than capable of carrying the series at this point even when the laughs aren't coming thick and fast.  As a result, it was still enjoyable to watch the goings-on here, broken up by the odd giggle here and there, and once again we're left with the promise of yet more of Hato's seemingly troubled past being revealed - he certainly takes up a lot of this show's time, but I don't have a problem with it all when he actually continues to be used so effectively as a character, and the show still seems to know when to let others grab the limelight, no matter how briefly.

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