Saturday 10 August 2013

Danganronpa - Episode 6

With another trial over and another slice of "justice" served, our surviving students find another floor of the academy opening up to them, alongside more intriguing information and possibilities.

As another temptation is set in the students path in the form of ten billion Yen to be given to the next murderer (should they not be caught, of course), so another concern emerges - is there a ghost in the building?  Asahina seems to think so, but a little investigation reveals something even more intriguing - a laptop hidden away which contains an AI "alter-ego" of the murdered Fujisaki, stored within the building's bathhouse free from any surveillance cameras.  With this AI attempting to crack some files which may hold secrets to the insanity surrounding the group, the virtual Fujisaki could be an important part of any attempts to escape the current predicament - however, both Yamada and a decidedly broken Ishimaru seem to have latched on to this AI for other reasons.

Things quickly take a turn for the worse from here - first, the laptop in question goes missing with no clues as to who might have taken it, suggesting that there could be a "mole" in the group's midst.  Even this possibility is put on the back-burner as more pressing matters come to hand, with students being attacked by an assailant with so-called "Justice Hammers", allegedly by a robot.  In the midst of this confusion, not one but two murders occur in a complex and baffling set of circumstances that is going to take a lot of work to unravel, while promising to also hold some secrets as the current situation.

Although part of me worries a little that Danganronpa is trying to ramp up the insanity a little too far (justice robots?!), thinking about it this isn't really the time to peg current events as a step too far given that everything the series does is sheer lunacy anyhow.  With seemingly its most complex set of circumstances yet to sift through, I'll be curious to see whether next week's episode can do a satisfying job of running through everything in the time allotted to it - assuming the way everything is unraveled is suitably satisfying, I'm sure any doubts will soon be expunged from my head as a result.

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