Saturday 13 July 2013

Monogatari Second Season - Episode 2

It's time for Senjougahara and Hanekawa to take a shower.  Together.  What happens in the shower, stays in the shower though.  Well, mostly...

Anyhow, after that refreshing experience it's time to ponder sleeping arrangements, which ultimately leaves Hanekawa with no choice but to share Senjougahara's futon - a decision which works better than either of them imagines as they awaken early in the afternoon after a deep sleep.  The problem of Hanekawa's long-term arrangement still exists until her parents find some permanent accommodation of which she can be part however, but this isn't the only problem facing our narrator for this particular story arc.

It's no real surprise when you think about it, but the massive stress caused by her house burning down has also seen the re-emergence of "Black Hanekawa", as the oddity within her surfaces once again as a conduit for and relief to that stress, with appearances the also explain the skips in Hanekawa's own telling of the story.  While Hanekawa may have no idea what the tiger she encountered last episode is or how to deal with it, the oddity within her is entirely more willing to take it on, even if it proves to be something not to be trifled with.  Speaking of not being trifled with, our focus eventually returns to Senjougahara as she greets the returning Black Hanekawa without batting an eyelid, before using the next morning as an opporunity to press "normal" Hanekawa on her real tastes and personality, including her actual feelings when it comes to Araragi.  In short, Senjougahara's question is; "does Hanekawa really have genuine strong feelings about anything?"

As per last week's opener, this latest episode of Monogatari Second Season again seems to be this series doing what it does best - it's totally at ease with long, winding conversations between Senjougahara and Hanekawa, and quite frankly I could watch them at it (talking... I mean talking) all day.  There is, however, still a plot to be progressed here, and that also gets just enough attention to remind us of its existence and important in the grand scheme of things, as Hanekawa's character is thrust well and truly into the spotlight once again.  Given the comedy, sparkling dialogue and fascinating conversations that said spotlight brings, it can stay there as long as it likes as far as I'm concerned.

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