Sunday 7 April 2013

Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet - Episode 1

In the far-flung future, humanity has spread out into space, with its so-called Galactic Alliance of Humankind centred around the utopia known as "Avalon", a floating city that was named after a Roxy Music album.  Or something.

Of course, flitting around the universe always has its perils, and in this particular world that peril is known as the Hideauze (you see what they did there?), an evil menace which has to be obliterated at all costs.  As part of the massed forces tasked with doing just this, we join a young pilot named Ledo as he awakens from cold sleep (and a spot of jingoistic brainwashing) to take part in what is being considered the final, massed battle against the Hideauze.

When the Galactic Alliance's entire plan goes horribly awry, Ledo is caught up in the aftermath - failing to make it back to the mothership before its retreat, he and his mech fall into the wake of said ship's jump through space and end up... well, who knows where.  After six months in cold sleep, Ledo is awoken by his AI to find human-looking folk with primitive tools trying to force their way into his craft while speaking a language he doesn't understand.  Biding his time, Ledo tries to make good his escape at the first opportunity, only to find himself cornered at gunpoint at the exact same moment that it becomes clear that he has fallen to a planet which simply shouldn't exist...

Having sat through half an episode of generic space gubbins (I'd love to commission a series called Generic Space Gubbins, incidentally) to set the scene, it's only when Ledo awakens after his little incident that we really end up anywhere interesting in terms of Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet's narrative - the whole galactic war against evil organic creatures idea has been done to death and then some, but the prospect of seeing this young Ensign dumped alone onto a strange planet with only an AI for company seems rich with possibilities that I really hope the series will explore.  It's far, far too early to call what or where this series intends to go, but for now I shall keep my counsel and play the "wait and see" game.  Oh, and start writing the script for episode one of Generic Space Gubbins.  Watch out Urobuchi, here I come...

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