Thursday 14 February 2013

Psycho-Pass - Episode 17

The dust is settling in the aftermath of the riots, and in spite of the economic, physical and psychological damage done to the city it seems that it - and the Sibyl system - are safe in the wake of Makishima's attack.  But is this a system really worth saving?

Either way, it seems that the MWPSB aren't going to get a chance to evaluate Makishima's plans or goals, as Gino is soon informed that his department are being taken off the case and won't be given any access to the criminal - something which understandably doesn't go down too well with any members of the squad.  For now though, their thoughts have to turn elsewhere, namely tracking down the missing Kagari as his disappearance threatens to cause a whole new set of problems for the section.  Little do they know how deep that particular conspiracy actually runs....

This brings us to Makishima's "interrogation", which isn't in fact an interrogation at all.  After learning that even the Chief in charge of the Sibyl system is not who she purports to be, and isn't even a singular individual, we finally get to the crux of what drives the Sibyl system - not so much computational power as outright brain power, harvested from those with an unusual personality which separates them from their peers.  In other words, an individual like Makishima, who finds himself summarily invited to join the Sibyl system as one of those who exercises control and judgement over all and sundry.  Of course, this kind of thing really isn't Makishima's bag, meaning that everything is quickly turned on its head once again.

I have to hold my hand up and admit that I'm not completely sure what to make of this big reveal surrounding the Sibyl system - I suppose kudos should be due that it wasn't entirely what I was expecting, but I'm not sure how well it fits into the series as a whole at this point.  Then again, it does look set to make for a compelling story moving forward, threatening as it does to shift both Makishima and the MWPSB's perspectives markedly as the truth slips out - it is perhaps what the show does with its big reveal that is more important than the details of the revelation itself, so for now I'll give it the benefit of the doubt against the backdrop of a show that is clearly still going places and has plenty more left to say.

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