Wednesday 17 October 2012

Jormungand: Perfect Order - Episode 2

With enemies seemingly closing in all around her, we continue to build up to the chaos that Jormungand: Perfect Order seems ready to unleash at some point by taking a look into the past of some of its current notable characters.

For starters we have R, one of Koko's supposedly loyal troops who is actually working for "Bookman", the reasons for which are outlined in this episode against the backdrop of the Balkan war.  Then we have Hex, and a vivid flashback to illustrate her hatred for both Koko and full moons - ironically, the incident which haunts Hex also haunts Koko to some degree herself, bringing us to a viewpoint of a much younger arms dealer who also proves to be far less hardy than the current female boss that we all know and love.

With rumours swirling and reaching Koko's ears of both the CIA and Hex's interest there's no doubt that she's aware of the danger moving ever closer to her, but is she aware of exactly how far and wide that threat reaches?  Quite possibly judging by her decision to re-equip all of her troops with newer equipment, switching everyone to using weaponry which can share the same 9mm ammunition as the group trains hard for whatever missions are coming up next.  There's even the possibility that she suspects R as she questions him about his knowledge of both Chief Black and Hex - then again, it's quite possible that R's allegiance might be about to waver in the light of a shocking request which arrives from his superior.

Overall, this week's Jormungand just about manages to survive what is a rather messy instalment that jumps here and there to cover both the back story and current situation of its four main players.  ALthough it doesn't make for the most thrilling episode ever, it does deliver the kind of moments of action, bloodshed and "military porn" which you'd expect from the series, and the growing feeling of tension as things threaten to close in around Koko at any moment is bubbling away nicely.  Will all hell break lose next week?  I rather hope so.

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