Thursday 31 May 2012

Kids on the Slope - Episode 8

Following their impressive, impromptu turn at the culture festival, it's no surprise that both Kaoru and Sentarou are now being treated like outright celebrities by the rest of the school's pupils - something which Kaoru in particular really isn't used to.

With a number of girls taking more than a passing interest in our bespectacled one, it isn't surprising to find some jealousy manifesting in others around the attention he's getting - however, the source of this jealousy is a decidedly interesting one considering the way this series has played out thus far.  Meanwhile, we Jun's return continues to intrude upon the lives of Sentarou and, more notably, Yurika - while the former worries that his previous outburst has chased him away, Yurika's persistence in winning over her man is aggressive, as she determinedly puts herslef up front and centre in his life despite his breakdown and current family issues stemming from his descent into the hotbed world of 1960s student politics.

Thus, it's the love triangle between Jun, Yurika and Sentarou which is brought to its climax and then (for the latter at least) dashed on the rocks while Yurika's behaviour causes concern from both classmates and parents alike - and that isn't the half of her problems by the end of this episode.  As for Sentarou, it's clear that the game is up for him as far as Yurika is concerned, but some rather blatant hints from Kaoru insists that he has exactly what he's looking for in terms of romance much closer to home.  But is Sentarou smart enough to spot this?  Besides which, has Kaoru just ruined his big chance with Ritsuko at the most inopportune time possible?  Expect more romantic hardships than ever in the weeks ahead, it seems.

Unsurprisingly given my enjoyment of this series thus far, I absolutely loved this week's Kids on the Slope once again - Jun and Yurika's relationship could be lifted out of pretty much any drama series (not least one from this kind of time period) but it's still played out exceedingly well and given an edge by its references to the student protests of the era, while Sentarou and Kaoru's own friendship continues to be a wonderfully complex but realistic affair when it comes to its frequent entanglements with matters of the heart.  Put simply, it just works, and in doing so with such a great cast, soundtrack and the unique feel of its period setting it continues to mark itself out as a cut above the anime norm.

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