Thursday 15 December 2011

Un-Go - Episode 10

With death, explosions, murder and conspiracy in the air, you couldn't really ask for a more charged atmosphere as Un-Go enters its penultimate instalment, complete with a governmental hearing that effectively sets Shinjurou and Kaishou against one another.

While Rinroku deflects the initial questions surrounding whether his company is involved in developing and selling arms, and possibly the very arms used to attack the television station on which he was appearing, easily enough, Shinjurou's line of question is instead directed at daughter Rie, bringing to light her memories of her father actually being at home while everyone else thought he was at the studio.  If this doesn't cause enough of a ruckus, cue Inga to make her entrance against Shinjurou's wishes, with her question which cannot be refused opening a whole other can of worms about Kaishou's company, JJ Systems, and its behaviour and activities dating to before the war which decimated the country even started.

With the hearing in uproar, Rinroku Kaishou takes leave of the media circus which increasingly surrounds him, only for his car to explode in a fireball, killing both driver and passenger.  Or has it?  Needless to say, Shinjurou has his doubts given Rinroku's suspected links to Bettenou, and so he sets off to find out the truth, albeit seemingly without Inga's help on hits occasion.  But will he come across any kind of real truth, or just his variant of it?  In a world where everything people see or hear is so fluid, and with Bettenou still at large, who knows?

With a number of tis plot threads coming together nicely, this was a great little episode of Un-Go - not too heavy on its theory or philosophies but with enough to add some spice to proceedings, while making good use of its main characters and their abilities to put together a tale which twisted and turned in an unsurprising but satisfyingly organic way to set up its finale next week.  In a way, it's increasingly becoming a shame that Un-Go was such a slow starter - if it has managed this level of pace and story-telling from the start we might be talking about it as one of the better series this year, but its tepid beginnings have seen it forgotten by many.  Perhaps its finale can go a little further towards putting that right.

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