Monday 5 December 2011

Future Diary - Mirai Nikki - Episode 9

Having gone to the dogs by the end of its previous episode, we're left with a diary holders stand-off as this ninth instalment of Mirai Nikki begins, as Yukkii's new "friend" Hinata holds his life in her (and her friend Mao's) hands as she looks to finish off newcomer to the scene Akise.

At this point things take a slightly odd turn, with Akise cooling suggesting that they put any attempts to kill one another on hold in favour of a simple coin flipping game to decide the outcome of their stand-off.  With Hinata in possession of two diaries (belonging to her father and, more importantly, Yukiteru), it should be simple for her to win such a game - but is it really?  After two consecutive wins, we begin to learn a little more about the exact nature of Yukkii's Future Diary and how it goes about predicting the future.

Thus, Akise, Yukiteru, Yuno and Kousaka all manage to escape, albeit not before Yuno gets the knives out for Mao to protect her beloved Yukkii's diary.  But despite their brief reprise, can they really escape Hinata's pack of mechanical, phone-controlled dogs (seriously, only Mirai Nikki could come up with something like this)?  This seems even more likely as Yukiteru shows his determination to save all of his new-found friends, Hinata included - a prospect that naturally fills Yuno with more than a little irritation.  For once however, it seems that Yukkii holds the trump card to keep Yuno on her leash and ultimately win the day... but the climax to the episode only leaves us with more questions about some of the other diary holders, not to mention Akise's true abilities.

So ends another fun and largely bonkers story arc for Mirai Nikki - perhaps not the best the series has had to offer but still entertaining enough, while giving plenty for anyone who loves Yuno's unabashed blood-thirstiness when it comes to protecting Yukkii to enjoy.  With the enigmatic Akise on-hand, Yukkii landing himself even deeper in trouble in terms of his relationship with Yuno, and the appearance of a dark side to the Fourth diary holder by the end of this week's instalment, it appears that there will be no let-up in the insanity any time soon either.

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