Sunday 18 September 2011

Sacred Seven - Episode 12 (Completed)

Kenmi is on the rampage and hungry for power as we reach Sacred Seven's finale, but has anybody got what it takes to stop him given all the strength he's gained?

While Arma seems like the obvious candidate to go toe to toe with this powered-up Kenmi, it's Knight who takes a first crack at his ferocious opponent, while Kenmi himself wastes no time in using Fei as a literal human shield  - a decision which ultimately leaves Knight broken and Fei for death.  This means that it's Tandoji's cue to save Fei from Kenmi's clutches, although not before the experience sees Fei slipping towards playing her own part as an angry, vengeful Darkstone herself.

With Fei now on the offensive, you might be forgiven for thinking that the tables had been turned against Kenmi, but Fei's attacks only see him granted further power still - a scenario which seemingly makes him indestructible, until Arma's full power manages to find a way through his defences and leave him a ruined man.  With Kenmi's plans in tatters, he passes his "legacy" onto an unwitting Fei, whose anger looks set to destroy the world in its stead, leaving it up to Tandoji and Knight (with a little help from a now-awakened Aoi) to prevent a catastrophe and bring us our happy ending.

So goes a reasonable end to a reasonable series, with Sacred Seven serving up all of its best moments when it came to outright action (which was almost always superbly animated) which far outstripped a far more dull and uninteresting storyline.  Quite frankly, it was difficult to get too excited about Tandoji and Ruri's individual desires or quests at all throughout the entirety of the series, leaving us with an emotional shell that did little to add gravitas to those aforementioned excellent action scenes.  What that leaves us with is a show that is decidedly average, utterly forgettable but reasonably entertaining on its day - very much a "fire and forget" series that was worth watching in the here and now but one that won't be vying to be rewatched by most of its viewers I would wager; a problem that no amount of Megumi Nakajima's dulcet tones can resolve.

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