Tuesday 5 July 2011

Maria†Holic Alive - Episode 12 (Completed)

Much like Maria†Holic Alive, summer is coming to an end, and with August 31st in sight it seems that a very important day is on the horizon.... vegetable day!

Oh, wait, I believe that date is also somebody's birthday - Kanako's birthday to be precise, and she won't let anybody forget it as she leaves massive clues in everything that she does and says around pretty much anybody who will listen.  Despite her less than subtle means it seems as though her efforts have ended in success, as she finds herself being asked by numerous people whether she's free on that day as they all plan surprise parties for her.

When the big day arrives however, there seems to be no sign of any festivities, and as the day goes on she becomes more and more despondent, before even her decision to hide out in the public bath and scare some good-looking naked girls is ruined as she somehow ends up (along with Mariya and Matsurika) in an underground bunker whilst on the run from that age-old danger, the expanding seaweed.  All's well that ends well however, as the series ends with a big surprise party for our protagonist and happiness (well, happiness and hives) spread throughout.  Ahhhhhh....

As final episodes go, this was a pretty satisfying affair that provided a fair few laughs courtesy of both Kanako's cries for attention and the snappy remarks of Mariya and Matsurika in response to her acting up more than usual - even the arrive of a broadly happy ending for Kanako for once was nice to see as a finale to a series that has been a little uneven but largely entertained me throughout.  It's very random, very SHAFT, but hugely fun to watch most of the time.  I certainly wouldn't be immune to a third season of it, that's for sure... although not before we get some more Hidamari Sketch, of course.

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