Thursday 28 April 2011

C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control - Episode 2

After effectively literally forcing him into the Financial District at the end of the first episode of C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control, it's time for Kimimaro to learn the rules of this strange new world in what soon becomes almost literally a baptism of fire.

As soon as he arrives in the district, Kimimaro is thrust straight into his first deal, and what is effectively a life or death fight against another member of the Financial District.  This isn't something that he has to face alone however, as he's granted an Asset to work with - a kind of magical being of some description to fight on his behalf and protect him.  In Kimimaro's case this Asset is Mashu, a feisty fairy for want of a better description who finds herself on the end of quite a battering as she works to protect her confused and downright terrified owner from instant defeat - quite a task, by all accounts.  Whether it's by luck or judgement, eventually fate smiles kindly on this duo and, more by luck than judgement, they manage to win their first Deal - a rare occurrence in the Financial District and one which catches the eye of Mikuni Soichiro.

With victory established, it's back to the real world for Kimimaro until his next bout in a week's time - although the world he returns to is rather different as not only is his bank account positively bulging but he soon notices that Japan's currency is, in fact, two currencies, with the Yen existing alongside the Financial District's own "Midas" money in a way that can only be seen by members of the district.  How this will effect Kimimaro's life is perhaps supplant by the interest that other dealers seem to have in him, with Mikuni in particular making himself known to the youngster.

Although this episode, much like the first, was largely constructed to establish its core concepts, tenets and characters, it also proved to be hugely entertaining - the dynamic between Kimimaro and his Asset Mashu holds promise right away (although Mashu also seems to be the show's fan service vehicle judging by this instalment), the set-up of the action-based portion of the show equally feels like it could have quite a lot to offer, and there's still very much a feeling that there's more to this show than meets the eye.  Ignoring the clunky use of CG (I swear some scenes reminded me of Miku Miku Dance) we have ourselves a solid package, topped off by the usual gorgeous soundscapes of Taku Iwasaki to make for a show that catches the ear perhaps more than it does the eye.  [C] could still fall flat on its face at any moment, but as of right now it most certainly has my attention.

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