Sunday 3 April 2011

Bakuman - Episode 25 (Completed)

It's serialisation meeting time to draw Bakuman to a close, which in other words means that the series finale is dedicated almost entirely to generating as much tension as possible.

Thus, we spend the episode flitting between our bored and nervous protagonists (oh, and Miyoshi too - well, she is built like a cheerleader) and bored and nervous editors, intersected with footage of the serialisation meeting itself as we see more and more series making it on to the "yes" pile - entirely too many in fact, meaning that we then have to sweat it out while that number are reduced to a more manageable level.

Come the end of it all, the results are in - a moment whose tension has perhaps been abated a little by the second season announcement that gave us a pretty good guess of the outcome even if we haven't read the manga.  Anyhow, the upshot of it all is great news for Mashiro and Takagi, and far less so for Fukuda and Nakai.  With our dynamic duo serialised, Moritaka even gets a proper phone call from Azuki... oh, and a new editor to boot.

There isn't really too much to say other than to mention that this was a solid end to a solid series, that always seems to have managed to ramp up the tension effortlessly when required - never before has a meeting and a bunch of people sitting around desks been the stuff of nail-biting viewing, I would wager.  It's been an enjoyable ride so far aside from the odd mis-step here and there, so I'm all ready to go with the second season whenever it hits - a series that's hopefully guaranteed to be even more of a roller-coaster ride now that Ashirogi Muto has been serialised.

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