Friday 11 March 2011

Japan earthquake and tsunami - A moment of reflection

I'm sure I don't really need to write anything about this, but today an earthquake measuring as high as 8.9 on the Richter scale hit the north-east of Japan, followed by an equally large and destructive tsunami - a natural disaster which has caused massive damage and countless deaths.

On a day like today, there are more important things to think about than what anime to watch or whose opinion is "right" about episode x of your favourite show - instead, I'll be deferring my viewing of this week's episode of Fractale until tomorrow, while all other anime broadcasts are understandably on hold for now.

Rather than think about anime, let's take a moment to consider those affected by this terrible disaster, and send them our thoughts and condolences at this shocking time.  Better still, let's not just sit and think and do something to help, by considering a donation to the Red Cross.

Until tomorrow, and hopefully a brighter day, stay safe.

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