Friday 4 March 2011

Gosick - Episode 9

Having solved the mysteries of Horowitz and, more importantly, cleared the name of Victorique's mother, normal service is renewed as this next story arc of Gosick begins, with Avril obsessing over ghost stories and VIctorique desperate for some way of staving off boredom.

Enter Kujo, who has at least one item of interest for Victorique - a kimono, sent for her from Kujo's sister.  While Victorique's staunch refusal to be instructed on how to wear said garment comes back to bite her in the form of her catching a cold, Kujo himself heads off on what looks set to be a jolly shopping trip to the capital of Saubreme despite Victorique's absence and the misfortune of meeting Grevil on the train ride.

This being Gosick however, it goes without saying that Kujo manages to find himself entwined in a mystery and some less than innocent goings-on, as a case of mistaken identity against him leads to him being sent first to the lavish top floor of a department store where this mistake comes to light (albeit not before Kujo gets a glimpse of what he assumes is a replica "blue rose" diamond, and then to the basement where he finds a real, live girl inside a box in the midst of numerous mannequins.  Under the girls instructions Kujo looks to get the police involved, calling up Grevil to check out the scene only to find that nothing is as he remembered it.  Is he going crazy or is something more malicious at work?  Methinks we don't need a wellspring of wisdom to figure that one out...

As the beginnings of another mystery goes this is a pretty solid start to the latest story arc - it feels a little forced in places (namely in getting Kujo injected into whatever nefarious deeds are going on), but it has an interesting enough little set-up behind it thus far.  Even when Kujo and Victorique are separated it's their dynamic that stands tall over everything else within the series (although arguably it's Victorique's sneeze that wins the day on this occasion), but as the previous arc proved it works best when paired with an interesting story in the first place; let's just hope that's what we're building up to here.

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