Thursday 28 October 2010

Hidamari Sketch x☆☆☆ Specials - Episode 2 (Completed)

After getting all excited about a new episode of Hidamari Sketch at the weekend, what's this?  Another new episode of Hidamari Sketch x☆☆☆?  Be still my beating heart...

This second (and sadly final) special episode for this particular series starts out with a bit of a change of pace - at least as far as a slice of life show such as this one can have a change of pace, that is.  This is achieved via a flying visit home to her parents from Yuno, although said parents are more than a little disappointed to see Yuno making in-roads to pet cat Nyanta over them, a sight which tickled me because I've done just the same myself on more than one occasion.  Anyway, the remainder of the first half of the episode largely follows Yunocchi simply enjoy some time with her mum and dad, which brings with it the usual opportunities for some great gags and punchlines, while even a single day away from Hidamari Apartments sees Yuno keeping in touch with her friends by phone.

From discussions about the girl's forthcoming summer break, the second half of this episode takes us to the fledgling days of that holiday, with Miyako fishing a barbecue out from the depths of the apartment's storage shed.  Shopping for food and charcoal and a chance meeting with Natsume later, it's barbecue time, with the usual range of meat and fish on offer as well as some more unusual experiments, one of which (from Miyako, inevitably) turns into a decidedly smoky affair.  Still, fun times for all, and Natsume fans get their second dose of love from these special episodes into the bargain.

Wow, me really enjoying an episode of Hidamari Sketch, who would have thought it?!  As always with this series, it left me laughing out loud plenty of times, while the moments that weren't filled with laughter still elft me with a huge smile on my face.  I can't really describe just how soothing and satisfying watching these simple tales of a bunch of friends doing normal things are, but this is one of those series that can brighten the darkest mood and introduce some sunshine (do you see what I did there?) into the bleakest day.  Normally I'd be happy to suggest that an anime should come to an end after three series lest it start to burn out, but right now it feels as though Hidamari Sketch's star is burning brighter than ever, and there's nothing I'd love more than to see a fourth season of it appear.  And a fifth.  And sixth...

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