Friday 13 August 2010

Amagami SS - Episode 7

The previous episode of Amagami SS left us with a piece of random yet required drama, as Kaoru sees her mum meeting and wandering off arm in arm with another man. However, as we realise that Kaoru's mum is separated from her father, suddenly this doesn't seem like such a big deal any more - apart from to Kaoru of course, who wants to carry on life with just her and her mum living together (slightly selfishly it has to be said).

Anyhow, after making this shocking discovery Kaoru decides not to go home that night, spending it in a manga cafe instead, and furthermore she doesn't turn up at school the next day. This understandably leaves Tachibana worried, although he seems to be more concerned about whether his belly button kissing antics (which gets referenced numerous times) are responsible rather than anything else.

Once school is done for the day, he searches fruitlessly for her before learning that she's been spotted crying on the beach but misses her by moments. Eventually he catches up with her at her part-time job, and one heart-to-heart conversation later (and a phone call home to her mum) things seem to be on the up again for Kaoru, and come the next morning at school she's as bright and breezy as ever - at least outwardly.

Overall, this episode was so unbelievably ordinary that there's really nothing to say about it - shorn of any slightly odd body part worship, this instalment was predictable as they get be it Kaoru's behaviour or the inevitable closing of any distance in the relationship between her and Tachibana without actually falling into a full-blown relationship. If I had to describe this episode in a word, the word would be "bland" - the whole thing is seeming increasingly lifeless and spiritless at the moment.

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