Sunday 2 May 2010

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Episode 55

Although things certainly seem to be going well for our growing band of heroes in their attempts to prevent whatever disaster is about to befall their country, there's still plenty of work left to do as we enter episode fifty-five of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.

For starters, there's the not-so-small matter of Sloth, who continues to regenerate and make a nuisance of himself despite the best efforts of the Armstrong siblings, who are also simultaneously trying to beat down the immortal army still roaming the corridors of Central. Lucky for them that they soon find themselves assisted by a certain housewife and her husband, who appear out of the blue to do their part while the military personnel from Briggs finally take control of Central, spelling what appears to be an almost certain victory for them.

With Slot added to the list of fatalities, we also see Hoenheim facing off against the architect of both the Homunculus and everything that is going on, in a battle that looks set to rage for a little longer yet. With both Elric brothers still making their way to their respective destinations along with Mustang and company, there are still plenty of chess pieces on the move, but all of them soon find themselves usurped somewhat come the end of this episode as the most important piece of them all makes its first move in some time - The King.

These days you'd be hard-pressed to find an episode of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood that was anything other than stellar, and once again there's plenty to enjoy this time around, with rather a lot of action to enjoy as the plot continues to progress apace in numerous directions. The return of Wrath makes for an obvious focus for the next episode, which will undoubtedly see the action quotient increased yet further, so doubtless there will be a lot to like next week too as this juggernaut of a series rolls on.

1 comment:

  1. vucubcaquix (chicago cabbie)3 May 2010 at 06:18

    I swear, each episode is the highlight of my week. My voice is always left raw by continuous screams of FUCK YEAH!!
