Tuesday 18 May 2010

A close-run thing

Given the fact that this 'blog and my rivals are pretty much polar opposites in terms of content and writing approach most of the time, I suppose it was inevitable that our second round Aniblog Tournament match-up was going to be a close and hard-fought contest... and so it proved. Just how small can the margin between victory and defeat be?

Thus, Hanners' Anime 'Blog progresses once again, this time to a seemingly impossible match-up against some kind of extinct animal wearing a silly hat. Will this 'blog prevail once again? Keep your eyes peeled for the next round, but for now - Many, many thanks to everyone who took the time to cast their vote in my favour over the past week (and shame on the other 1,000 or so regular readers who didn't, I know you're out there!), and above all if you're ever looking for something a little different to my episodic fare in the anime community, why not drop on by We Remember Love? You won't regret it, I'm sure.


  1. You have 1.3k readers? I think it's time the ABT admin began demanding google analytics screenshots.

  2. It's more like 1000 on average to be fair, 1300 on a good day.

  3. Hahahahahahahahahurrr. You're funny >:P

  4. I must admit I'm kind of disappointed with the results of your poll. I had a lot more dirt on ghostlightning. Oh well, I'll just have to stalk you until our match. Congratulations, and see you then.

  5. At least now you've used up your claim of "worst 'blog ever" this round, you can't use it again, right? ;)

  6. wow, only 5 votes difference?

  7. Lets see what hes going to say about your blog, reading that Paper Flower post was retardedly hilarious.
    Dont worry though, I'm definitely voting for you.

  8. Congratulations Hanners for your fine victory; thank you for generously inviting your readers to visit We Remember Love.

    To all your readers who visited my site, thank you for your curiosity and while I don't expect or even ask you to prefer the site over Hanners' I invite you to come visit any time and add it to the places you frequent.

    I'll work hard to keep you entertained.
