Wednesday 14 April 2010

K-ON!! - Episode 2

After two years of using and abusing the same club room, it's inevitable that a certain amount of clutter is going to accumulate, and this is certainly the case with the girls of the light music club as their time of hoarding stuff in the store room comes back to haunt them.

Thus, it's clean-up time as this episode begins, although sorting through the detritus of the past couple of years also brings the girls to a fortuitous discovery - An old guitar belonging to their teacher Sawako from her own time as a music club member, and an instrument which she allows the girls to sell to fund the club.

With money on their mind and on their way to sell this guitar, the girls stop off at a home improvement store to look for some shelves to tidy up the clutter of the club room, which is typical K-ON!! style somehow ends up becoming quite the adventure, with almost all of the girls getting far too excited about some element or other of the store - Indeed, Mugi in particular seems enamoured with pretty much everything it has to offer. With that shopping trip done, the guitar is sold, but for a price that stretches beyond the girls wildest dreams. Their hesitation in telling Sawako the true price of the instrument eventually puts paid to their thoughts of impressive riches, but it does at least succeed in bringing Asuza the new club member that she's been longing for.

Really, this series being what it is it's a little difficult to know what to say about this second episode of K-ON!! - It's simply more of the same harmless, frivolous yet vaguely fun and entertaining slice-of-life shenanigans that we're used to. While things don't feel as fresh as the first season, and this episode certainly didn't make me chuckle quite as much as the last, it remains enjoyable to watch and impeccably animated - The perfect anime to put your feet up and de-stress to at the end of the day. K-ON!! is undemanding stuff, and to be honest I wouldn't have it any other way.


  1. So true.

    I love kicking back with this anime because it reminds me of hanging out with my friends. Which is basically what this entire show is about.

  2. Well, at least Azu-nyan got a new member. Although I agree that not as hilarious as last episode, I think that they're setting us up for a big surprise in the next couple of episodes...

    Agreed also to the de-stressing anime part because I enjoyed watching this after my badminton tourney. Definitely a must-watch this season.

  3. I thought this episode was even funnier than the previous. Especially the hardware store bits (okay, I too like to pretend the cordless drills are guns).

  4. A very fun ep indeed and thanks for the review

  5. Whooo!! Ritsu has a special ep waiting for her next week. I could kinda guess from the preview's title "Drummer". No surprise there.

    Also I got a glimpse of Ui during the preview so we might get a chance to see her.

    Forever waiting!!

  6. Nyahahah Ritsu with a construction hat. Lol'd hard @ that. And ofc K-ON!! is a pleaser this season because we can't get enough of those 5 girls.
