Monday 26 April 2010

Hanners' Anime 'Blog - Victorious in round one!

After my plea for your votes in the first round of the AniBlog Tournament, the votes have been pouring in over the past week, and now that the poll is closed I can officially reveal the final results in this 'blog's first round match-up:

I think it's fair to say that we've cleared the first stage of the tournament! Many thanks to everyone who voted, and even if you didn't then thanks for visiting regardless! Needless to say I'll keep you primed when the next round of the tournament rolls around and we find ourselves facing off against an even more mighty opponent.


  1. Well next round you're up against we remember love. Followed by presumably baka-raptor. Followed almost certainly by Sea Slugs...

    Good Luck!

  2. I never read or saw your plea. Just voted for you -
