Tuesday 20 April 2010

Hanners' Anime 'Blog needs you! (To vote for it)

As you may or may not have read in recent days, there's currently a knock-out tournament going on between various anime 'blogs, of which this very 'blog is one. Today is thus Hanners' Anime 'Blog's day to shine in the first round, and to ensure that it progresses then I need your votes. Never mind the UK General Election, this is your chance to make a difference to the future direction of the 21st century. Or something.

All you have to do is make your way over to this poll page and cast your vote - If you want to know more then check out the Aniblog Tourney site as a whole, while the wonderful blackbluesock (aka Janette) has already predicted my victory over here.

Of course, this is just for fun so I won't quit or fly into an Internet rage if and when I lose, but if you do choose to vote for me then your support is much appreciated.

Don't forget - Cast your vote now right here!


  1. sorry, keion header blocked my vote

  2. Of course I voted for you! Us Hidamariers have to stick together! FOREVER!! WASHOI! WA-SHO-SHOI!!!

  3. I had to go to four different computers, steal my neighbour's internet, and vote 7 times.... I think THAT is dedication.

    Last I checked, Hanners: 118 votes... wat you say: 40 votes. A clear majority I must say. A crushing victory Mr. Hanners. Grats.

  4. YOu're the man, Lets bring home a win.

  5. Your obviously going to win... nothing more really needs to be said, no other blog is more fun to read but just to be sure you win I'll add to wat you say's current thrashing, thrice. ;)

    Though your writing does become alot funnier when you get a bit extreme... so maybe thats something to aim for...

  6. Thanks to everyone who has voted (even if voting more than once is frowned upon, no doubt, you evil people) - It's nice to be appreciated! :)

    Keep the votes coming despite my current lead though... Voting goes on for a week so it isn't over until Yui sings!

  7. And you know, I'm always right.
