Thursday 10 December 2009

White Album - Episode 23

As if there hasn't been enough of it already in recent episodes, this latest instalment of White Album wastes no time in dispensing as much drama as humanly possible for its viewers as it runs its course.

To start things off however, we get at least one piece of good news, in the form of Yuki receiving word that she's snagged a place at the Venus music festival, although even this is tempered by the fact that she won't be seeing Rina there, as her old label-mate finds herself pushed out by Menou.

Meanwhile, after abruptly having been given a day off by Rina, Touya finds himself wandering the streets... Oh, and snogging Misaki, as he seemingly continues to chase his harem ending. While all of this is going on, Touya's father finally loses his battle with his health; it seems that even his passing can't stop Touya from sniping at him, while his tears of grief seem engineered to bed Misaki one more time to boot. To think, some people wonder why I don't like the guy...

While there's more good news as Mana passes her entrance exams, Menou goes AWOL from the recording studio yet again (guess whose bed she ends up on? As if you need to guess...) while we find out a little bit more about her past thanks to some shock revelations from the president of M3 Productions as she chats with Rina in a surprisingly frank way given the previous animosity between them. Just in case that wasn't drama enough, we're given one last, big shock to end the episode on what is potentially an even more depressing note (if that's possible).

While I've been all for the soap opera and drama enjoyed by White Album, particularly in its second half, I can't help but think it's trying to push things a little too far now - No matter her feelings, I can't really see Misaki being the type to throw herself at Touya (especially given her previous comments about men), while Menou's behaviour towards him is equally baffling. The revelations about Menou's parentage also feel a little too cheap to my mind, to add to the overall feeling that this is a series scrabbling to hold the viewers interest with easily produced shocks and surprises rather than any genuine depth of plot or characterisation. Sure, White Album could never be considered "deep" in the first place, nor was it built to be, but somehow this instalment has left the show threatening to jump the tacky shark made of chewing gum.

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