Monday 19 October 2009

Hetalia Axis Powers - Episode 39

After a very brief (and seemingly slightly pointless) return to the birth of the Roman Empire, episode thirty-nine of Hetalia: Axis Powers takes us across the Atlantic to the past goings-on there.

The subject of the episode concerns Finland and Sweden, and their failed attempt to set up "New Sweden" in some newly discovered land, a plan thwarted by those pesky people from the Netherlands. With Finland more than a little upset by his defeat, he talks to England and France, and just so happens to mention a young boy freqeuently seen wandering around the land. Who on Earth could it be? He ends up befriending England (quite a shock in itself, considering how the poor guy has been treated up to now), and so a long-lasting but occasionally fraught relationship is born.

Once again, there wasn't really any humour on show here for this particular instalment of Hetalia, although I suppose at least the pseudo-history lesson made things more interesting. This show is most definitely in a bit of a lull at the moment though, that's for sure.


  1. How is it pseudo-history?

  2. I'm pretty sure that various nations aren't *actually* male anime characters who converse with one another...

  3. hmmm... no, of course not, but i thought you meant that the Swedish people didin't have a colony i America or something else.... I am sorry if (which seems to be the case) I misunderstood what you meant.
