Sunday 6 September 2009

Saki - Episode 22

Episode twenty-two of Saki takes us to day two of the individual prefectural qualifying round, with Yuuki a run-away leader at the top of the scoreboard. But can she keep up her incredible run of form on a day where the rules change to a mix of East and South wind rounds?

While things start off well enough for our diminutive, taco eating friend, with another flurry of victories, everything changes as the wind turns from East to South, and Yuuki comes up against what I suppose you could call her nemesis - A girl named Kazue who dominates South wind rounds. Thus, all of Yuuki's early points are lost as Kazue breezes into a lead in that game, and during the course of the episode rises through the ranks to challenge for those top three qualifying spots.

Also amongst the top three is Nodoka, but elsewhere it appears that Saki is up to her old tricks, with a number of consecutive ±0 scores. This leads to a stand-off between the two girls, with Saki admitting that she's holding back on Hisa's account as it's her last chance to qualify for the individual national tournament. Nodoka's strong words convince her to give her all once again though, and in no times she rises through the ranks... only to find herself in a match-up against Hisa herself, as well as Momoko and Ryuumonbuchi's Tomoki.

Of course, after playing her heart out in the team tournament everybody around the table knows Saki's style only two well, and so her three opponents all work hard to block off her usual route to victory, leaving her floundering. Add in Momoko's transition to "stealth mode", and the star of the series is looking in for a torrid time...

As per usual for this series, I simply find myself delighting in the simple pleasure of Saki's mahjong action, which remains as entertaining to watch as ever. While the tension felt at the team tournament isn't quite there this time around, it remains highly enjoyable watching snippets of various games despite some of the insane "special powers" demonstrated by the (admittedly mostly likeable) featured characters. I get the feeling that as the individual qualifying tournament comes to a close over the coming episodes I'm going to be back to shouting and cheering at my monitor again...


  1. >A girl naked Kazue who dominates South wind rounds.

    Freudian slip?

  2. Just wait for Gonzo's DVD release, I'm sure it'll be correct by then. ;)

  3. Well this is just great. they didn't show two eps when hey delayed the showing by 2 weeks.....

    But honestly i liked this ep. New people(Kazue??) and more competition is good!

  4. For this episode, I found it sort of justified that Yuuki lost. Not to be mean, but she isn't the type to make it in the nationals. Plus the lost made the opponent kazue seem stronger.

    When Nodoka went to motivate Saki I thought that it was going to be another side story, but it wasn't so I was pretty happy.

    The president showing new skills is a fascination. A different twist to the story that makes it more enjoyable. I can't wait to see what happens and I hope that Saki, Nodoka and the President goes to the nationals.

    I loved how it ended on a cliffhanger with, once again, seeing Saki in a tough spot. Very much like the battle between Saki and Koromo where it started off as the opponent having the upper hand but in the end Saki kicks butt. It is most likely that this match will end in the same way.

    They better make a second season because I can't find the manga anywhere on the internet...

  5. Well Detective Kitty, they don't have any manga cuz i searched when i started watching... and manga is supposed to come out first right??

    So any1 after Kitty, dont search cuz trust me, there arent any. Anyways... i agree with Kitty, I was freaking happy wen Yuukin got owned. So yh.... and my list for the advancing people are:
    2-Cyclops lady(or her boring name:Captain!)
    3-Kazue(im likin her!!)

    And btw some ppl said that this was only 26 eps? may i pls have some confirmation??

  6. @Detective Kitty - I can help you out with the manga. E-mail me on the address in my profile if you want.

    @Krungie - MAL and the like are still showing it as 25 episodes, but given its huge popularity and the way the series is structured now, a second season is guaranteed (although perhaps not until the manga has caught up, we've actually moved ahead of it in the anime I believe).

  7. lol ty. ur the only source i trust.... and one more question: in ur reply to Kitty, it seemed like there WAS a manga... is that true?

  8. Manga is still on going. Currently at charper 53. It's bi-monthly, meaning it comes out every 2 weeks. 2 vols (15 chapters) worth are currently translated I think. Chpater 53 is ep 19 so the anime is all "original" stuff from ep 20. And Saki will win this one yet again even without using super kans over and over...Hisa never saw how she can get impossible stuff like "Kokushi Mosou" at turn 3 (in ep 3). Saki is scary.
