Tuesday 1 September 2009

Hanners' Anime 'Blog reaches 1,000 posts

Cue fanfares, cheering crowds, and the tossing of undergarments in my general direction, for this post marks the 1,000th entry to find its way onto the not-so hallowed pages of this humble 'Blog!

When I started my episodic 'Blogging adventures on a whim around eighteen months ago, I never really dreamed that anyone would read it, but as things stands this 'blog now receives an average of 1,000 unique visitors a day (which gives me a nice bit of statistical symmetry, doesn't it?). In that time, I've written about every single episode of 56 different shows (with another sixteen currently "in flight") and, perhaps insanely, I've loved every single minute of it - It's given me far more pleasure from the series that I watch (be that poking fun at the bad stuff or deconstructing the good), and brought forth some wonderfully incisive and thought-provoking comments from you, the readers.

Indeed, I'm not sure I'd still be doing this if nobody ever read what I write here, but as you do take the time and effort to parse my ramblings and, on occasion, respond with your own thoughts, it's you as the readers of this 'blog who I'd like to thank for driving me on to keep writing, and hopefully to improve my thought processes a little into the bargain. With any luck I'll still be around in another eighteen months or so to boast about my 2,000th entry, and hopefully you'll still be reading this page too, so until then - Roll on the next 1,000 posts, and thanks again for reading!


  1. Great work ! In my blog i myself have written 956 posts and the numbers of unique visitors per day is around 700. So, i know who that -being mere numbers and all- can encourage and make oneself proud. You have my sincere congratulations. I repeat : great work !

  2. Congrats.

    You're one of the two anime blogs I really enjoy reading for reviews (the other is Star Crossed).

  3. Congrats Hanners!! Here's to 1000 more! ^_^

  4. Congratulations, it's quite a feat!

  5. Fairly new reader here.

    Congratulations. I hope to see more to come. Keep up the good work :)

  6. Fairly new as well, congrats on the 1000th post. I am still some 300+ posts behind that mark lol, been keeping up with your TM8.0 posts mainly. Keep up the good work.

    PS: I wish you would use WP though. :\

  7. Congrats! So many posts in so little time! I don't know how you do it!

  8. I enjoy reading your entries. Hopefully White Album 2 won't drive you away before you reach your next 1,000 posts.

  9. Thanks for all the congratulations guys! I'm feeling the love now. ;)

  10. Quite late, but... omedetou!! It's amazing how you can find the time and energy to blog episodically without fail! I admire your dedication.

    ...and more to come! :D
