Thursday 27 August 2009

Spice and Wolf II - Episode 8

Episode seven of this second series of Spice and Wolf took us right back to the core of what makes this show so great, and from there this eighth instalment continues in a similar vein, albeit with more of a focus on Lawrence than Horo, which in itself is actually quite nice to see.

Of course, through the eyes of Lawrence every conversation and every rumour is a potential hint at a big profit, and so before we know it everyone's favourite merchant is making full use of Horo's acute hearing - Of course, he's no cheapskate, ensuring that he rewards her handsomely in wine until she ends up drunk once again. So, with Horo sleeping off the effects of the alcohol, Lawrence manages to snag some very interesting information about the town, the fifty man meeting and what it's all about from a fantastically sassy and flirtatious barmaid who quite honesty deserves a series of her own in my opinion - Perhaps she can get a gig with Lawrence's much-neglected horse? Look out for Barmaid and Horse in the Spring 2010 anime season...

Anyhow, Lawrence also finds himself granted the opportunity to chat with the mysterious female merchant we saw briefly on a few occasions in the last episode, and once again as the dialogue comes thick and fast so it also becomes heavy with meaning, with an initial mistrust (particularly on Lawrence's part) seemingly broken down slowly but surely as the conversation goes on.

In fact, this episode really is all about letting Lawrence shine in conversational terms - Watching his deliberate flirting with the aforementioned barmaid could easily have you fuming as he comes across as quite the womaniser, only to later have you realise that he was simply playing the game and doing what was required to get the information he wanted. Compare and contrast this to his rather more defensive conversation later on with fellow merchant "Abe", which feels more like a cautious boxing match at times over and above anything else. Of course, there's still room for at least some wonderful moments between Lawrence and Horo; moments which are becoming increasingly adorable as the two of them spend less and less time hiding behind a façade and more time letting their true emotions shine through.

I know I'm simply gushing about this series once again, but I think if nothing else this episode serves to show the awesome powers of the script writers (and perhaps the original light novels) for this show - What other series this season (Bakemonogatari aside) could introduce two new characters and make them both so compelling that you wouldn't mind them having a whole anime series to themselves?


  1. I totally agree... These episodes fly by as well, before i know it the episode is over. The writting in brilliant and the show is refreshing compared to some other darker anime's showing right now.

  2. Hmm... the conversation with Abe gave off some weird vibes at the ends xD... i really hope that whole handshake scene isnt significant in a bad way... it looked as if he was shaking hands with the devil with the way they zoomed out putting the flames in front... that or maybe it's to show his devilishly good flirting and social skills...

    in any case I look forward to Abe's involvement with Lawrence and Horo :3...

  3. I'm loving the second season...
    I hope they don't make it to Yoitsu in hope there is another season...hmm...
    Anyways I really liked this episode, although there was not a lot of Horo in it.
    BTW isn't Abe's voice Romi Paku (Edward Elrich, Hitsugaya Toushiro, etc...)??

  4. I thought it sounded more like Miyuki Sawashiro (Ciel Phantomhive), but I'm no expert on voice actresses.

    Also, maybe it's because I watched Canaan right beforehand, but is it just me or is the barmaid YunYun (Haruka Tomatsu)?

  5. Barmaid and Horse? I wouldn't want to type that into Google for fears of what I might get...

  6. Yet another awesome episode of Spice and wolf. As the reviews keep mentioning the dynamic between the characters is just fantastic, i loved how it flits between the usual buisness talk to Horo and Lawrence's flirting. Horo being drunk is as pleasing as ever. The bairmaid was great as well, doubtless we will be seeing more of her. I do agree with putang though the shot of Lawrence and Abe through the flames does look worrying, but then Spice and Wolf does seem to revolve around Lawrence getting himself in trouble so i suppose this is to be expected. What worries me though is the talk about making Horo jelous,we know she can get jelous from nora in the first season but their flirting and chats are just too good for them to be argueing. Theres that and that abe could end up being a bit like Amati and be a serious problem to Lawrences wallet once again. We will have to wait and see i suppose.

  7. Personally the reason why i actually think the love dovey between lawrenze nd horo is 100X better than any series i have seen so far is because of how slowly the romance has been developed. unlike some anime when its love on first site or omg you saved me i am in love with you now...

    part of the reason is probably because of the script...everything flows so well and the dialog is awesome!

    my two cents
