Friday 10 July 2009

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - Season 2 - Episode 5 (aka Episode 15)

"We've entered an endless recursion of time" Koizumi tells us.... Well, no fucking shit Sherlock, I think we've pretty much noticed that by now! Ahem, sorry, amuse yourselves for a moment while I take a deep breath....

Okay, that's better. So, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya episode fifteen. Or was it fourteen? Or thirteen? It's so hard to tell these days, when every episode is almost exactly the same. Once was fine, twice made sense in the context of the story, three times was pushing it, but four times? Four times repeating the exact same course of events, with only some different animation and a couple of other little changes to hold our attention? Sorry KyoAni, but you haven't so much dropped the ball on this one as filled the ball with lead and dropped it directly and repeatedly onto your own heads until you were struck stupid.

With pretty much any series I watch, I can usually see or at least comprehend some kind of counterpoint to the criticisms I make about a given episode or show, but I honestly can't this time - Why would any production team think their viewers want this? Why would they even want to do it to themselves? I can only imagine how bored the voice actors, animators and script writers are right now. To make things worse, as we're reminded about how poor old Nagato remembers every instance of this endless summer, there seems to be no comprehension that we're suffering from the exact same thing as viewers! Perhaps that's the point in KyoAni's mind, but immersing yourself in a show has its limits - That's why I'm not running around naked outside the White House with a gun right now, although heaven knows this episode has me tempted.

Still, let's try and take something positive out of this, right? Kyon's deja vu is now stronger the ever, and an aeroplane makes a continuous appearance throughout, so we must be getting closer to a resolution of this time loop. Maybe. Hopefully. Let's just hope that the "eight" in Endless Eight doesn't refer to the number of episodes this story arc will fill.

So, there you have it, another week goes by and once again I feel as though this series has utterly wasted my time. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is rapidly turning into the equivalent of a little brother who endlessly asks "Why?" to everything you say. Only less interesting. Plus you can't punch an anime series in the arm to make it stop.


  1. I completely agree with you, having not read the novels I have no idea where this story is going, but it is driving me mad. I was begging him to run after Haruhi at the end, but to no avail, off she goes again X_X As much as I love this series I hope it starts making sense soon.

  2. I agree. four times is just pushing it too far. even three I could deal with but if there's going to be eight im going to stop watching for a month. friggin waste of time seeing the same thing every time with close to no development. WE GOT THE POINT ALREADY GODDAMNIT!

  3. After the first three episodes of this arc, I couldn't wait any longer. I went back to the novel and re-read that chapter. Only one iteration described there, complete with resolution. Works just fine and the ending (No spoilers from me!!) was reasonable given the story line. I think that maybe the ending will have to be made more exciting in the anime to justify the frustration and wait. Don't expect that, though.

  4. Only two of the episodes are called "Endless Eight", it obviously means "Endless August" (August being the 8th month in the year). And how this show goes, the first six episodes are pure story arc, the others are fillers. I read ahead in the light novels a bit, and it will stop by episode six I'm pretty sure. Now it may seem that episode four and five are worthless and a waste of time,BUT when you watch each of them closley, the episodes give off clues, and for me the clues helped me come up with my theory's for the last episode, and I came up with the ultimate one I think, haha. If you payed attention, you'll realize at the end of the episode that Haruhi reserved something for August 31st, but left it as a free day. And Hanner pointed out that Kyon's deja vu is getting stronger, and you can tell it is from episode five. And episode five actually was a big episode, with the air plane thing going on, I mean I saw it EVERYWHERE and it just shocked me, it got me excited. And I'm more then happy with the series at the moment, it's twisted so well. I don't have a big problem with it mostly because I'm use to this confusing stuff, cause my favorite television show is LOST. Well just thought I would share my thoughts with you guys since you could be curious, I'll be posting this on my blog also.

  5. I just looked up:
    "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Season 2 stupid" in google.
    I felt that, if I didn't find any negative comment I might stop looking for new Anime completely.

    After the 5th episode I felt like saying "fuck" 15,499 times. And putting in "Kyon, is a dumb motherf***" in between every 20 times. I stopped like after 150.

    If the guy was standing in front of me, I'd beat Him to unconsciousness for His lack of initiative to dig deeper and ask more questions to Yuki.

    Seriously. Like DO SOMETHING asshole. Whatever. Like actually kiss this Haruhi or punch Her in the face or rape Her, whatever.

    If this doesn't stop in the next episode I'm quitting. And if this doesn't turn into a huge amazing Katharsis-type scene I'm quitting too. And I bet I wouldn't be the only one.

    Either the creators of this are retarded, trying to buy some time by pretending that they're up to something, or they are genuinely trying to piss people up. It's working.

  6. ... one more thing:

  7. They're gonna lose some fans if they keep this up.

    Dno bout u guys, but i think haruhi wants a date, on the last day. so when that happens it ends. Up to Kyon the dumass I guess

  8. at this point this is ridiculous. i dont care if ur a die hard fan, a manga reader, or a saint. this has got to piss u off to every fucking level of insanity. i think ill just stop watching haruhi. i mean, we get it. endless. whatever. WHO THE FUCK GIVES A SHIT!?!?!?!?!



    Kyoani, we waited 3 fucking years for this bullshit?!

    Oh, wow, you changed the fucking swimming suits, oh shit! you should get the fucking nobel prize!

    No, wait, you shouldn't, you should be charged with crime against humanity because this is a fucking atrocity against the whole entire fucking human kind.

    Please go blow yourselves up, you guys don't fucking deserve to live.

  10. Oh btw, here is what Haruhi wanted to do, here is what is keeping the time repeating:



    Haruhi wanted to do homework with everyone. That's right, Kyon said he hasn't done his summer homework, and Haruhi was like okay, let's do it together. And that's what they did.



    Oh for fuck sake, how long does that take huh? 5 min max? so next episode will be repeat of everything fucking once again, with last 5 min different.

  11. guys, episode 6 is released, just watch episode 2 again, its the same thing.

  12. Recently I figured I've already watched all the good Anime that there existed and stopped looking much for anything more, since now everything is almost the same and old things rewatched again are only sentimental, but not that interesting any more as like 5 years before. Just watching Naruto once in a while for shear getting used to reasons.

    I remembered the first season of Haruhi to be "not totally boring".

    After this shit... thanks Kyoani...
    ... You helped me make my decision. I'm not going to watch any more of this, and I'm quitting Anime for life. I'll have more time for other things in life.

    Congratulations fucktards.

  13. blehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh every week its the same..... when i saw a falsely embed video (Bleach Episode 227) labeled Haruhi S2 Episode 5 i was happy for the first 5 minutes because i thought haruhi had decided to turn the earth into the bleach world, instead of that damn summer vacation again. then, of course i came to my sense and turned it off, but thats besides the point.
    i have a theory. maybe haruhi is real and she's repeating this episode for the summer like in the episode :P only 15,511 times left!

  14. FuckKyoaniForever11 July 2009 at 20:24

    Before I saw this ep, I was like: "Finally, the conclusion!" Because they couldn't do the same ep 4 - FOUR - 4 times in av row, right?


    I've read all the novels, and I know how this is going to end. But I feel very sorry for the people who haven't got a clue why it's an endless timeline. Because when you think of the real reason, it really blows, doesn't it? I mean, you should be able to expect for f***** over the top, mindblowing, extraordinary finish to this godforsaken storyline? I was afraid Kyoani would mess this up, and sadly I my fears came true.

    Let's just hope they get a lot of stick from the viewers, and learn not to F*CK with Haruhiists who've waited three years for the continuation of our beloved animated novels.

  15. Reina Hamasaki12 July 2009 at 02:38

    Just watch episode 4 and 5 very thing over and over and over again but they give off pretty obvious +AHEM+ the PLANE. It starts making complete sense. I the only one enjoying trying to figure out what Haruhi-Chan wants to do?

    I also find it fun to see how the yukatas and Haruhi-Chan and Mikuru-Chan's hairstyles change.

    But I am really enjoying the series. In the first season you really didn't have to think....but this season you really have to find clues. It is really fun if you think about my opinion at least.

    Not to mention the story hasn't really do you want to see how the story kicks off or just quit the series completly? I wanna see how it kicks off but that's just me.

  16. I LOL'ed at first, thinking that there might actually be people who defended this crap and then I read the comments and I think some part of my soul shrivelled up and died.

    The. Fuck. Reshowing the same episode four times is not DEEP you fucktards. Go read some fucking Shakespeare if you want to talk about symbolism.

  17. in the novel there are only 15,498 recursions before they solve the loop. and now there's 15,513? hope it gets done by the sixth or at least they will find out what they have to do on the 6th

  18. i can finally understand the state of mind of those who sent in death threats for neon genesis evangelion. this is more than just annoying...

  19. T_T sigh, you guys do realzize that the series has like nine more episodes right?

    Get a grip, it's not that bad. If you were smart enough you would realize that each episode has a clue, and each episode is different. God people calm the fuck down, you guys sound like children. Have a little faith will you?

  20. I agree with you. I wish they could speed up the process of everything. They should have skipped episode 4 all together, and made it episode 5 instead. I think I would still be amused if they had. I'm amazed they have temporarily somehow managed to kill one of my favorite animes of all time.
    However...I feel that if I actually watched episodes 2-5 a little more closely...for some reason I think the ending would make sense. I's Haruhi...IT'S NOT SUPPOSE TO MAKE SENSE! It's like watching the movie, "The Usual Suspects." The first time you watch it, the ending comes out of nowhere. But when you know the ending...the rest of the clues that lead up to that ending suddenly make sense the second, third, fourth, fifth, etc time. We simply don't know what the ending is...well...for people like me that watch only the anime, and read the manga.
    We may all be frustrated, annoyed, and pissed off by it...but I have a feeling this may be the most clever anime I've ever watched. I don't know, I guess I'll find out with episode 6. If it doesn't end with 6, I'm done with this madness for now, and all my hopes die with it, lol. However...I think it will end since Kyon looks to have picked up the clues. Just freaking ask her for the last day damn it!

  21. I feel like taking a bet. I think the next episode is gonna be about the same, but just a little more hints, who's in?

  22. Haruhi Suzumiya15 July 2009 at 03:53

    Well it could be worse.
    They could have aired 15,513 times.

    And besides this is the true test of a SOS brigade member, to be able to watch through and stand it.

    And besides, I like how it resembles ground hogs day.

  23. This season is a serious waste of time for 99% of the people who watched the first season. You know who you are. There are actually a ton of highly enjoyable new series that are truly worth watching. (Aoi Hana, Bakemonogatari, Umineko, Tokyo Magnitude 8.0....) Any one of these is seventy-seven times awesomer than the waste of broadcasting bandwidth that amounts to the squiggles and colors passing themselves off poorly as shadows on a curtain drawn across the grave of Suzumiya's totally sweet first season.

    Damn it, this posting is also a waste of time! ARGHHHHHHH

  24. When I learned earlier this morning that there was a second season, I was thrilled-- even more so after watching the first episode. This looked too good to be true.

    I'm beginning to think it was. This goes WAY beyond filler. It is annoying, annoying, and I agree with you one hundred percent.

  25. You guys are all stupid. It is a series called the endless eight. meaning there will be eight of them. The first one in the series seemed to be a filler, but this series is turning out to be much more. Not only are they building suspense with each episode, it is giving us more insight to how koezumi, and nagato feel.

    1. Not only is Nagato bored, but she seems to be taking a liking to kyon due to the fact that even after repeating the same thing over 15,000 times he still worries about her at the festival.

    2. Is Haruhi not satisfied with summer because she had a goal in mind to connect with kyon? Or does she have something completely different in mind?

    3. You get the sense that Koezumi might have a little something for Haruhi and/or miruku or whatevs.

    4. Doesn't anyone find it interesting that this anime is trying something new. a way to build suspense and give suttle hints to the other characters.

    Sorry for the whole tangent i went off on, but i can agree if you take things for face value, this series is very annoying and unnecessary. But there is no way in hell that they are doing this for no reason.

  26. Groundhog day was 15,513 times more fun than this. Anyway, I already posted my antidote on my blog. Let's watch Haruhi-chan 25 and remember all the joy! :D

    Sigh. I wouldn't mind another looping episode if we got back the extra episodes with more adaptations from the novel. In any case, this isn't going to last forever. And we WILL enjoy the disappearance arc, as it was hinted by the last Haruhi-chan episode :)

    So, don't worry, take some vacations, do your homework (lol), and enjoy the upcoming non-looped episodes.

  27. lol do your homework while waiting xD
    i my gosh i already said too much :o AIRPLANE @_@
    T^T poor nagato sje looks sad and bored..but at least kyon worries about her in every festival :D i read the light novel so i noe what happens but i find it interesting how the repeat it 4 times :3
    SO SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!!! if you have enought time to complain sdo you homework[which i have to do =.=] or go watch K-ON, the gema-moeness anime~

  28. Let me first start off by saying that i side with those who are pissed off with the repeats. I mean yes we did wait for a long time to deliver a good second season and it was looking good until they pull this repeating crap!!!!

    Putting that aside, i would say that it is a good thing to repeat the days in order to clue what it is Haruhi wants for those who don't know yet, especially non-light novel readers.

    Now I would like to say they were complete morons to do it the way that they did. Instead of Bullcraping an entire episode with one time loop, why not do more than 1 time loop per episode. I mean we know what they do already so they don't have to waste a full episode for a damn loop, 2 loops for one episode would be tons better than 1. Its a waste of time to do the same thing but slightly altered more than twice!

  29. more. I have unintentionally memorized what happens. How much longer does it go on?


  31. Yeah, to the person who thought Koizumi might have a thing for Harhui or Mikuru... WOW! I thought it was pretty obvious that he was a flaming homosexual, so the chances of him liking Mikuru or Haruhi? I'm guessing none.

  32. I think its going to be eight episodes long, hence endless eight :(

  33. It's so damn annoying. I find myself just fowarding through the episode just to look for any changes. After watching about 3 episodes all the way through and watching a quarter way through the fourth I just started fowarding. 6th one is no different..

  34. To the ppl who sit and justify this crap: Fuck off.

    Yes this is called Endless Eight, but 99% of the interpretations around other enthusiasts reckon it means - 8 as in the eight month august - and not that it's going to be eight episodes.

    Although, right now, it's easy to think that the fuckers are going all the way into literate hell.

    This is not a good anime arc, for the ones who have read the light novels. Because the reason for the loops is so fucking retarded, and simple. It-does-not-deserve-8-eight-8-eight-8-eight-8-eight episodes you KyoAni-employed fuckers (like fucking maggie).

    Yes, the episodes are a bit different (what retard can't see that maggie? how well of you to spot that, like, thumbs up duuuude) but the plot and story remains the same. A few costume changes, and "oh my god, he saw a plane for fucks sake!!!", does NOT justify the stupidity of reshowing this mundane shit over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

    I feel sorry for Tanigawa-san, to see his novels get this crap treatment. Seriously, the novels are so much better than the anime (even season 1) and season 2 justifies that statement. I don't care if they find some sort of great finish to this travesty that is called Endless Eight. That would go beyond the original novel, which doesn't make much sense really (who the fuck liked ep 14 of season 1?)

    Original anime productions that strafe from the novels, can fuck off.

    There's my two cents, frustrated yes, but hopefull that this load of shit will end in the next episode. Don't count on it though. I guess ppl like maggie would be happy just to see another little "awesome" variation. "OH MY GOD, THEY HAVE LIKE...DIFFERENT HAIRCUTS NOW!! YEEEEAH!!"

    PS: Kyon: Do your fucking homework you piece of narrating, dumb fuck.

  35. I've noticed each title is EXACTLY THE SAME. to clarify what I mean it doesn't use part one, part two, part three, ect in the title.
    here's what I think is going on: their all counted as one epsiode, which means we've got 12 new non-endless eight episodes to go still. at least thats what i hope, but that would be wishing for too much.

  36. i googled " haruhi suzumiya season 2 stupid " as well. haha well it is stupid. and i've read the light novels as well. NO WONDER NAGATO SNAPPED!! 15,XXX times of recurring events .. 4 episodes drove me mad..!!!!

  37. Thanks everyone for saving me the time. Hopefully there will be some kind of different story later on. Or maybe not; it doesn't matter anymore. I kind of like Taisho Yakyuu Musume. So, there are officially five better anime series right now than stupid Suzumiya. (IMO)

  38. 6 Full episode, reapting over and over the same thing:
    The people who made this anime, are lazy idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. I think its funny how people nerd rage over an anime...

  40. you know what

    i quite like this series, its got something behind it

    and to be honest i don't think the producers give a fuck if they lose fans

    for those of you with the attention span of a brick just wait for the concluding episode to come out

    personally i'm going to watch them all


  41. as pissed as I am that the same time section keeps repeating, now into episode 8 even, it still has to be said that I haven't stopped watching. Really, I am even more focused to watch the next one than in previous anime series. The only thing that doing this with the show does, is totally destroy replay factor. I really won't be watching all of them over again I can tell you that much.

  42. i agree with both sides, yeah 7 or 8 episodes of the same thing is boring but the hints are interesting if your into that kind of thing. really ppl take things way too seriously, now most ppl on the hate side will hate this comment but deal with it, ur opinion is right but just be patient or stop watching

  43. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee A new way to top filler! Lets repeat everything over and over again and hope we can still keep our ratings while doing it! But wait, it's not EXACTLY the same. Those poisonous *#&$heads at KyoAni seemed to find a great way at making money at a low expense. Heck, now they don't even have to pay for VAs! Brilliant! Better just do as Kyon says at the last couple minutes of the episode and WAIT until something happens.
    TO SUM IT UP SKIP EPISODES 3-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Wtf ever happened to lucky 7 anyways?

  44. According to wiki, this'll go on till Episode 19, and Episode 18 is on Kadokawa's youtube channel (don't bother, it's STILL NOT OVER)
    Note that this re-airing was supposed to have 28 episodes.
    We've gone through 19, assuming they finally end "Endless Eight" on 19, but we also haven't seen 4 Episodes of the old airing (Live a Live, The Adventures of Mikuru Asahina 00, The Day of Sagittarius III and Someday in the Rain) meaning:
    28 eps - 19 seen - 4 that we already know = 5 new episodes left??

  45. Hahaha, yeah this is truly something else. If they would repeat every episode like they do, they could at least have changed point of views. Like from Nagato's point of view.

    Well, I think it's pretty exciting anyway. You know "Maybe it's over next episode?" =D Well, might start to lose faith soon.

    And what did you say, 19 episodes? Not of the same damn thing, of course? If so, kyoani is doing something assed and Haruhi anime series will not have any viewers left. Damn that's stupid.

  46. What I don't understand is why Kyon doesn't just ask Nagato to tell them what's happened at the start of the next recursion. Even if Kyon couldn't figure this out...Koizumi should. Based on past episodes neither of them are so dumb that they'd overlook such a thing or fail to come up with some other least Koizumi. It's weak writing to make characters suddenly dumb or lacking insight just to fit the story. At least have them suffer head injuries or something first. This second season has been very disappointing so far.

  47. after all that repetition and finally seeing the ending of it, i no longer can keep my interest in this show... WASTE OF TIME!!! need to find something else to watch now! grrr

  48. I completely DISAGREE with all of you...
    I LOVE this anime series...
    it seems I'm the only person who enjoys an interesting story...
    if you find a recipe for success, stick to it until you fail...
    at this point they have me hooked, and so they're a success, therefore continuing their success would be nice if you ask me...
    forget the "repetitiveness" you all speak of, there are subtle hints in evey chapter if you aren't so busy bashing the story that you forget to notice them...

  49. I thought it was alright....except for the endless 8...i just fastward the eps to the end...its slightly pissed me off...but still i would watch the next series(does anybody when that will be out) cause suprizling its a very interesting story...i really want kyon to hurry up a fuck her in the but

  50. yea im on the 5th episode and..................


  51. i think the idea of making a "2nd season" just to fill in between episodes of the "1st season" is something new, something fresh, something frustrating and annoying.

    this kinda reminds me of Naruto, when 90% of the show is flashbacks and un-needed character over-development. it doesn't buys time, it wastes time, our time.

    to be honest, there isn't much sanity expected from a show which puts a weird-ass teenage girl in a position of a god.

    i'll just roll with it, see where it leads to.

  52. I know it seems long but kyoto had a plan for it and it has to do with the movie they made. its so you get as bored as yuki nagato is cause it plays a key role in the movie, its like a deep connection for those who found it. it also fills in alot of info you need for the movie along with the first episode of season 2... Personally i found it to be awesome but thats just me and i would even watch it over again cause i thought its cute.

  53. woww.... very good anime series but really.... wasting bout 3 hours of my life? WASTING OUR TIME!! waste of four/five episodes. Basicly theres nothing diffrent in any of those episodes except the first one where theres no show of deja vu at all. the other ones are just basicly the same saying the same things over and over again just a little techincal change in the words. shiet -_-"

  54. actually i take back the fact i said this was a good series. because of those crappy wasteful episodes this series SUCK
