Sunday 28 June 2009

Saki - Episode 13

With Hisa's game over, episode thirteen means that it's finally time for Nodoka to step up to the plate in the fourth round of Kiyosumi's qualifying game, where she finds herself pitted against an arch-rival (despite being decidedly unaware of that fact herself).

However, despite the high-profile billing of this particular round, it ends up largely proving itself to be a war of attrition, with nobody able to gain a definitive upper hand and plenty of exchaustive draws witnesses as nothing goes the way of any one player. Having said that though, it's Nodoka who slowly, surely and efficiently ekes out a lead for herself, proving to be the only player to win any hands outright once she gets into "the zone". The game isn't quite over as this episode finishes however, meaning that there's still room for Touka Ryuumonbuchi to get her much yearned for moment in the spotlight. Meanwhile, Koromo talks as though she's swallowed a copy of Lord of the Rings on occasion, as she waits for her own game against Saki and the final round of this qualifier.

If this episode has demonstrated one thing to me, it's that I still haven't got a clue about the game of Mahjong and how it works - You'd have thought I might have picked up a thing or two by now, wouldn't you? That aside, the actual playing of set game is still pretty compelling, lost as I am with its nuances, and it seems that no amount of stupid flashes, explosions and fan service fantasies can really detract too much from the core tenet of the series, which remains oddly exciting to me. I'm starting to wonder just how much can be fitted into a twenty-five episode series though, given that we're still not at the end of the qualifying tournament for the national finals - Are Gonzo angling for a second series of this show?


  1. The manga the show is based on has 50 chapters out and even IT hasn't finished the qualifiers yet.

  2. This episode was interesting. It showed off a lot of defensive playing by all four of the players. Nodoka was lucky enough to put herself in position for several tsumos but other than that one crappy 1000 point hand or whatever off of Kazekoshi, she hasn't had the opportunity to score points off the rest.

  3. Detective Kitty2 July 2009 at 16:56

    ok, one thing is for sure. It can not end at only twenty-five episodes because honestly that would be the most retarded thing ever. If it's one of those animes that builds up the tension and makes you yearn for more only to end crappily there's no point in me watching it. Sam, does it really have 50 chapters out and it still hasn't finished qualifiers???!! I will be greatly dissapointed if teh author dicides to end it with them winning the qualifiers then and epilogue and the show and manga is over. If it does end this way there is no point for me to continue...
