Wednesday 3 June 2009

Kurokami: The Animation - Episode 18

It's been a little while since I've been able to watch an episode of Kurokami, but at last it's time for me to enjoy another dose of this ever-improving action series.

With Reishin still on the rampage, the race is still on to reach him before he does something liable to endanger the entire planet, while other Mototsumita converge on the island with more selfish thoughts in mine, namely grabbing the power of Masagami for themselves. Indeed, it's yet another pair of such individuals that make life difficult for Kuro and Keita this episode, with the Mototsumita in question using his powers to control nearby plant life - Not really the kind of opponent you want to face in a jungle full of the stuff, if I'm frank. Despite their burgeoning powers, it looks like the end for Kuro, until something cataclysmic happens which leaves those who witnessed it in shock... well, those who survived it anyway. Exactly what happened? Methinks that's going to be a question for another episode.

Meanwhile, Excel is also in the hunt for Reishin, complete with her new contractee Mikami (remember her from much earlier in the series?). As you might expect, Excel's powers have been "levelled up" quite substantially since we last saw her, but is it enough to beat this most powerful of opponents? Possibly not, and we get to see why thanks to a big old cliffhanger of an ending...

Despite Kuro being saved by what seems to be a big, fat deus ex machina in this episode (although one which in fairness it seems will be explained in due course), this was another episode of the new-look Kurokami which has continued to play to its strengths ever since its half-way mark, eschewing too much emotional or plot-related depth in favour of keeping things moving and moving fast, with lots of stylish action to keep the attention. It may be a very simple way of drawing in the viewers, but to be honest it works, and as a straight-up action series you could well say that Kurokami is going from strength to strength. Add to that a cliffhanger that is (although perhaps slightly unlikely) "interesting" to put it mildly, and you have a series that I'm really keen on seeing through to its climax. I just hope it doesn't let me down and slip into its dull old ways again before we reach that point - There's certainly little sign of it at present.

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