Thank goodness then that the prison where Kuniko is held contains the most incompetent prison guards and security known to Man - Guards more than willing to give inmates dynamite in return for a quick grope, guards who allow inmates to run off into the woods with kettles and mirrors, and perhaps most incredibly of all guards who let inmates sew together and bury a huge frickin' patchwork hot air balloon under the prison's exercise yard! I have a feeling these generic guards would struggle to get a job even working for Dr. Evil as predictable henchmen, but obviously "no qualifications required" is a staple part of the job application process for this particular prison.
Given this kind of lackadaisical security, it's hardly surprising that Momoko and Kuniko's grandmother really didn't give a monkeys about her forthcoming execution, easily slipping her some lipstick containing nanowire to aid with her escape from the firing squad - I guess it's a bit more innovative than a hacksaw in a cake, at least. All they were really missing was a CD of Yakety Sax for her to play while the guards were fumbling around and being generally useless.
Of course, at this point you'll probably be pointing out that it appears that Ryoko and company wanted Kuniko to escape and show her ingenuity, and you might have a point, but that still didn't make the whole thing feel any less laughably weak to me - If you want to give Kuniko a challenge, at least present to be vaguely competent.
Come to thing of it, laughably weak seems to sum up this episode pretty well, it's the kind of thing that would have even MacGuyver shaking his head in shame. Not only that, but this episode didn't even bother trying to ramp up the obvious tension that should have surrounded Kuniko's death row status - The blase attitude of those closest to her might as well have been a printed message on the screen saying "SPOILER: SHE ESCAPES", which made the entire farcical build-up to said escape a complete waste of time. Now that the balloon has been dug up, I wonder if there's space to bury the rest of this series in the prison yard wherenobody will find it?
I think you've been too hard on this series in the past, but this episode was almost worthy of Allison and Lillia (sigh).
The obvious conclusion was everything is a deliberate attempt to test Kuniko's skills. I don't believe that anything could go by Ryouko unnoticed, to me everything seems plan. Even when the dynamite was giving the guard undoubtedly knew a catalyst was needed to activate. In the end Ryouko conversation reveals she knew everything.
Today’s episode reminded me of Detective Conan, intuitively we knew Kuniko was going to live there was no doubt in anyone’s mind and certainly captain obvious couldn’t be any more right. As today episode summed it up it was more of a question of how the escape was going to happen. If there was any fun in the episode which I know a lot of people are watching this episode seriously, I’m left dumbfounded sometimes when a gag or an illustration of fun is taken seriously.
Perfect. Now we just need a train, a plane, and an inexplicable character design change/secret alias.
In retrospect, I'm surprised Gonzo wasn't somehow involved with the production of our favorite trainwreck anime. I'm just waiting for them to shoehorn in a mech.
I just discovered you blog today and I like your writing very much. Thank you for saying it as it is. Tired of all the retards saying how good this show is. Face the truth! It's utter crap!
@Anonymous: well, I'm one of those "retards" --- up until now, there's been a lot to like about this show, but I'm afraid that Hanners' complaints, for once, are completely justified concerning this episode.
I think you're on to something here. Yackety Sax moments. I intend to steal this and make it a meme.
It's not fair! Now I HAVE TO watch this series just to see how bad it is!
I'm afraid the more I think about this episode, the better it looks. I give a half-hearted defense, here.
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